Extreme Days!

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of light, it was the season of darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair.” – Charles Dickens, a Tale of Two Cities.

I chose this quote for Charles Dicken’s ‘A Tale of Two Cities’ to open this blog post, because it seems like we are living in such a time today, where it seems to be the best of times and the worst of times.

There is so much upheaval and change happening around the globe that some people are in shock and dismay at what is going on; others are celebrating what seems to be the unsettling of the status quo.

These are indeed ‘extreme days‘. However, it is not as if the world has not gone through upheavals and changes that have shook people to their foundations. The whole of the Bible recounts times of great change and upheaval. Times where there are wars, changes in government, exiles, people fleeing persecution, people returning to their homelands, prejudices, intolerance, all manner of changes, cataclysmic events, the list goes on.

The constant through all of these events is God. He is our source of refuge. He is our source of strength. He is unchangeable and unwavering. He alone is trustworthy.

He alone is our Rock (Psalm 18).

As we trust in Him in these extreme days, we will not be shaken (Hebrews 12); but we can rest assured in His goodness and love. We know that there is a time for everything under heaven and that He makes all things beautiful in his time (Ecclesiastes 3).

Let us in these days, look to God. Lift our gaze above all the clamouring noise of the world around us, as see the One from whom our salvation comes (Psalm 121). Let us pray to Him for the nations and those in leadership. Let us pray that they would rule with wisdom and righteousness. But also, let us ask God how we can bring His love to the world around.

How can we manifest His kingdom in the world around us?

How can we bring God’s wisdom, light and hope to the world and lead them from unbelief and doubt into faith in the only true God and Saviour, Jesus Christ?

It starts with us on our knees before God almighty, asking for His help and strength.

2017, is also going to be an year of ‘extreme days‘ for the director of Llandudno Youth for Christ. This year he is going to be doing some extreme snowboarding, climbing a mammoth amount of mountain peaks, going rally driving and also performing an ‘extreme‘ feat to raise funds for the work of LLYFC (more details regarding this will be forthcoming in future blog posts – keep your eyes and ears peeled)

This is not the first time people have done something ‘extreme‘ to raise funds for the work we do at reaching young people with the good news of Jesus; in past years we have had a lady shave her hair off to raise money for what we do. Rev. Neil Kirkham, pastor at Gloddaeth United church in Llandudno swam a length of the Conwy river to raise funds for what we do.

It’s amazing to see what an amazing God can do through people who will step out in faith.

Let’s pray for the work that we are doing here, and when Tim does perform his ‘extreme‘ feat to raise funds for the work of LLYFC, let’s be ‘extremely‘ generous givers to support him.

Be blessed!

Theobibliophiles Rule!

This is a bit of a follow up from our last Blog post. The title of the post is meant to get people thinking ‘what does that mean?’, ‘what are they talking about?’ Let’s break it down…

Theo – God or of God.

Bibiliophile – lover of books.

So the title is saying that people who love God’s books (The Bible) rule. They’re ok. It’s an encouragement for people to get into the Word of God, just like the Bereans in the book of Acts chapter 17 (read it here).

At our ‘Monthly Meet‘ we had a great time looking at some up to date research on youth work ‘small groups’ from ‘Youthscape’ – “A  national youth work organisation working for the good of young people of all faiths and none”. Check out their findings here.

Then we looked at John 2:1-12 and spent time in groups underlining, highlighting, circling and writing on the handouts to really try and get to grips with the passage we were studying. It was great!

My handout with its myriad of scrawls is just here ->

It was great to read, study and discuss the Bible, with no other agenda than to let the Bible speak for itself. Not have a Bible Study with leading questions and tailored results, but rather be open to letting God speak to us as a group and as individuals from the passage we are studying. It’s something I would really encourage everyone to get into. Let’s be Theobibliophiles in 2017 and beyond!

I also love our ‘Monthly Meet‘ training nights. They are an invaluable resource for youth workers in the North Wales area, and I really get a lot out of all of the training that is done at these events.

Our theme for next month is looking at how to get kids involved in church more. Looking at how to help them engage with church life in their community; and we have a fantastic speaker for this; Andy Hughes, the director of Urban Saints in Wales. He has a wealth of experience in youth work and this is a not to be missed night. Do come along; Monday 20th February, 7pm @ Ty Llywelyn Community Centre.

If you want to come to our ‘Monthly Meet‘ and be kept informed about when the next free training evening is being held, then subscribe to our mailing list on our Blog post homepage (top right hand corner of the screen) or email us in the office asking to be added to the ‘Monthly Meet‘ mail-out. Also, please let anyone you know that you think would benefit from this great resource know about it.

Finally, in-order to continue to hold such great training evenings for free, we need on-going financial support from our local community and beyond.

We love it when someone generously gives finance to support the work that we do at LLYFC, and especially if it is a monthly direct debit or standing order; as it assures us of regular income for the various ministry work we are doing; like the ‘Monthly Meet‘ training events.

Thank you to all of our regular givers, we really appreciate all of your support for what we are doing to impact generations with the good news of Jesus. If you want to support us financially, you can do this by filling out a support form and sending it to our office; or via our ‘Give.net‘ online donations page.

LLYFC Financial Support Form 2016

Thank you!



God has spoken!

In the past God spoke to our ancestors through the prophets at many times and in various ways, but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed heir of all things, and through whom also he made the universe.” – Hebrews 1:1-2

A really big thank-you to everyone who came to our monthly prayer meeting for the work we do at Llandudno Youth for Christ. Last Sunday night (22nd Jan) was really great, and it was so encouraging to see so much support from so many different churches in the area.

Thank you!

Interestingly, last Sunday night, we also looked at ‘Prayer’ at our youth Bible Study. I love it when God orchestrates things so beautifully.

This coming Sunday within our ‘God is…’ series; we will be looking at ‘God is a speaker’, looking at the Bible.

Hence the title of this blog post.

God has spoken to us in His word.

Also, just as with last Sunday, God has again orchestrated things beautifully.

This Monday 23rd Jan, we held our ‘Monthly Meet‘ training night. We hold our monthly training evenings normally on the 3rd Monday of the month, from 7-9pm. It’s a great training night for youth workers, church ministers, parents, teachers to come along to; to be trained and resourced with how to better share the gospel with young people and help them grow in a relationship with God.

There is always tea, coffee and snacks to be had, and good fellowship and networking opportunities too.

The theme was a ‘Bible Study’ Masterclass: how to help young people study the Bible in such a way that they do not need copious amounts of text books, study guide and commentaries; simply the time and availability to read the Bible and hear what God is saying to them.

it was a great evening; and I personally loved it. So good getting into the Bible and seeing new things.

Hearing from God is always good. It is always life changing; and often we keep asking God to speak to us, when He already has through His word; the Bible.

This year, let’s be great listeners to God – let’s get into His word.

We have plenty of great resources at our disposal to help us do this. Christian bookstores such as Kingdom Krafts in Llandudno. Who I really must thank for donating a great resource to the work we do at Llandudno Youth for Christ: they gave us numerous copies of the ‘Action Bible’s’ book of Genesis.
A great resource to help get young people reading their Bibles. So thank you

The Bible Society is another great place to go for inspiration to encourage people to read the Bible. If you are a Welsh speaker there’s the Beibl.net.

And for those that are younger or young at heart, there’s the ‘What’s in the Bible‘ DVD’s and the funny but  Fabulous Bentley Brothers.

However you do it, let’s get to grips with God’s word in 2017!

God is a listener!

Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.’ – Jeremiah 33:3

At Llandudno Youth for Christ, we are currently working through a teaching series at our Sunday evening Bible study ‘Redefine‘; titled “God is…

In this series, we are focussing on certain aspects of the nature and character of God; and how God call us to walk in His ways; and demonstrate more of His nature and character to those around us.

Last Sunday night, we looked at “God is a fighter“; how God fights for us; how He champions us and fights battles for us that we do not have the strength to win. The main passage we looked at was..Moses answered the people, “Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the Lord will bring you today. The Egyptians you see today you will never see again. The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.” – Exodus 14:13-14. Here we see that God is going to do all of the fighting for the Israelites; all they had to do was be still and see God’s deliverance. Psalm 46 God says to us “Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.”(In fact the whole of Psalm 46 is a song of praise to God for His greatness, and well worth reading)

One of the best ways for us to ‘Be still and know..‘ is in prayer. In taking time to speak with God; to pour out our hearts to Him about what we are going through. To share with Him our hopes, dreams & struggles. To talk openly and honestly with this amazing all-powerful god, who knows us intimately and loves us unconditionally.

Prayer is us, stopping all that we are doing. Sometimes getting off the merry-go-round of life and all its busyness and making time to spend with our ‘Abba’ Father. He loves to hear us and listen to us. He is never to busy for us, or asleep, or unavailable. “This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us. And if we know that he hears us—whatever we ask—we know that we have what we asked of him.” – 1 John 5:14-15 God enjoys listening to His children.

He also loves speaking to us. Giving us words of encouragement, love, rebuke, correction & peace. His is our number 1 ‘go-to’. He is our harbour in the storm. He is our all in all.

This coming Sunday night with the young people at Redefine, we will be looking at how God is a listener; and then putting that into practice by spending time with Him in prayer.

We will also be holding our monthly prayer meeting for all of the work we do a Llandudno Youth for Christ. This, just like our Redefine Bible study, will be held at Ty Llywelyn Community Centre, Ffordd yr Orsedd, Llandudno, LL30 1LA. We will be meeting at 7pm for an hour to spend time with God talking with Him about all of our needs as a ministry that wants to see the lives of young people changed by the good news of Jesus.

We would love it if you could come along and join us in prayer to the God who listens. The God who hears. The God who responds to our whispers of faith.

We hope to see you here: Sunday 22nd January, 7pm at Ty Llywelyn Community Centre.

Be still and know….

All things new in 2017?

Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past.
See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness
and streams in the wasteland. The wild animals honour me, the jackals and the owls, because I provide water in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland, to give drink to my people, my chosen,..‘ – Isaiah 43:19-20

Today, I had the great task of tidying up the offices of Llandudno Youth for Christ after the Christmas break. We have been away after Christmas for a fantastic week at the YFC UK National Conference in Manchester; and all of last week was spent catching up with admin; starting up the different projects we are involved in; and processing all of the great stuff God had inputted into the lives of the workers and volunteers at LLYFC.

So this Monday it was well past time to put away all of the Christmas decorations; party equipment; and other bits and bobs that had accumulated as they do in the office over December. And like the image above; if I’m honest it seemed like a herculean task.

However, by applying myself to the task and working through things slowly and methodically; I have brought the office space back into a semblance of neat and tidiness! Not perfected, but on its way; and definitely less stressful to try and work in without the clutter.

Getting rid of all of that stuff from last year; gives me more space to look forward to all the God has for us here at LLYFC in 2017.

Last night at our weekly Sunday evening youth Bible Study – Redefine; we had a lot of questions during our Q&A section that centred around Genesis: God’s book of beginnings. Thinking about that, it shows how the very first words in the Bible are ‘In the beginning God…’ God is always there right at the beginning of things, and He’s right there to help you begin anew. He is the great beginner!

Part of that beginning with God sometimes necessitates a letting go of all that has passed in order to move forward into what is ahead of us. Like me de-cluttering the office at the start of a new year. We sometimes need to de-clutter our life; get rid of all that is unnecessary and unneeded in order to focus on what is important and necessary in our lives.

At the beginning of 2017; what things do you need to let go of to move forward into God’s new thing?

What new thing is His asking you to see? What new thing is He asking you to step into?

Perhaps it is getting more involved in the work we do here at LLYFC and seeing young people impacted with the good news of Jesus?

If you feel God is asking you to come alongside us here; please drop us a line.

Thank You!

Cheering each other on…

At Youth for Christ; we love to hear of other centres doing well; we love to hear of other areas having an impact upon their community with the good news of Jesus.

This year at the YFC national conference; we really focussed on our unity in Christ. In that vain; I want to share with everyone a good news story from another YFC centre; ‘Spiritualized‘; a YFC centre based in the South Hams of Devon; has had its director ‘Anji Chant’ named in Her Majesties New Years honours list. Please read through the post below that was originally shared on the YFC UK website; and let us thank God for all that He is doing to make an impact upon the lives of young people in the UK.

The Director of Spiritulized (Kingsbridge Youth for Christ) has been named in the New Year Honours list. Anji Chant will accept the award of the British Empire Medal on behalf of the volunteers at the Centre.


This award has been given to Anji for ‘“hands-on” service to the local community. She will visit Buckingham Palace in June to be presented with her award and then attend the garden party.

The Prime Minister’s office have released their reasons for honouring Anji. “She identified a severe lack of support in this rural community and is the driving force and Project Leader behind the charity, Spiritulized and their work in the community”, they said.


Anji started the Friday Night Project, after noticing that young people were getting into trouble on weekends. A café run by Spiritulized also receives support from local businesses and other charities. It now supports around 900 young people every year. In like manner, the Centre also run a Work Club, that provides employment help for young people.

Over the years, as the work has grown – so has its influence. Through their Bus Project, Spiritulized have been able extend their reach to 10 rural parishes. Anji herself, as Project Leader, ran marathons to raise the funds needed to fully equip the bus with audio/visual technology. Thus making it an engaging experience for young people.

Furthermore, Anji carried the Olympic Torch in 2012 (pictured above).


“I’m bowled over”, said Anji when she heard about the honour. She will be accepting it on behalf of Spiritulized’s team of amazing volunteers who work to help young people in Kingsbridge’s rural community with the issues they face.

“We have had lots of volunteers on board for years. It’s hats off to the team, whose dedication and ongoing commitment is incredible”, Anji declares. She is also thankful for her family, “who have made many sacrifices to help make it all happen”. To sum up…

“2017 is our 20th year of working with young people in Kingsbridge and the surrounding area, and we look forward to many more exciting milestones to come.” Anji Chant

As Anji said, it is the volunteers that make such a difference to the work we do; here at Llandudno Youth for Christ, we too are so grateful for the bunch of amazing volunteers that God has given us.

In 2017; do you feel like God is asking you to come on-board with what we are doing to share the good news of Jesus relevantly with young people in North Wales?

If so, we’d love to hear from you.

“To boldly go where no-man has gone before…”

The above quote comes from the opening lines of the original TV series ‘Star Trek’. I chose this title, as on this day in history in 1909, Sir Ernest Shackleton, leading the Nimrod Expedition to the South Pole, planted the British flag 112 miles from the South Pole, the furthest anyone had ever reached at that time. He boldly went where no-man had gone before.

At the Youth For Christ National Conference we were challenged to be very courageous with our faith in God; being ready to trust Him as He calls us to step out into new endeavours; for us to boldly go , just like where we haven’t gone before. Daring to believe God for even greater things in 2017.

Trusting Him for provision for the vision that He gives us. Trusting Him for new creative ideas and ways to relevantly reach young people with the good news of Jesus.

To be like the Apostle Peter, stepping out of the boat to walk on the water with Jesus (see Matthew 14:22-33); not playing it safe by sticking in the boat; staying with what we know, what we have always done; but being open to the promptings of the Holy Spirit to lead us into new ways of reaching out with God’s love. “Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have.” – 1 Peter 3:15.

The other encouraging challenge from the conference was for us to get back to the basics of our walk with Jesus. To keep the main thing the main thing.

What has He called all Christians everywhere to do?

What has He commissioned all those who follow Him to do?

 Then Jesus came to them and said, ‘All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.’” – Matthew 28:18-20

We are called to share Jesus with those around us, and make disciples; not converts, but people who make a life-long commitment to follow after Jesus. Everything that we do in life and as local expressions of church in our communities should be focussed and clarified by this ‘Great Commission’ and also by Jesus’ ‘Great Commandment’ – “This is my command: love each other.” – John 15:17.

At Llandudno Youth for Christ we are taking this onboard and seeking more than ever before to be open to hearing God’s promptings and looking out for the opportunities to serve our heavenly Father in our communities. Sharing His love and making disciples.

As part of this; at our Sunday evening Bible Study for young people – ‘Redefine‘ (Every Sunday during term time 6-8pm at Ty Llywelyn Community Centre in Llandudno) we have started a 9 week teaching series entitled ‘God is…’ looking at some aspects of the nature and character of God; and how that informs and inspires us as Christians in the way we live and follow Him.

We will also be restarting our school lunch club ‘Recess‘ (in Ysgol John Bright) and our after school drop-in club ‘Reverb‘ (4-6pm every Thursday during term time, again at Ty Llywelyn) this week, after the school Christmas break; both on Thursday 12th January.

Please continue to pray for the work we are doing in Llandudno and beyond in 2017.

Happy New Year!

We’re all in this together (United in Christ)

But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far away have been brought near by the blood of Christ.

For he himself is our peace, who has made the two groups one and has destroyed the barrier, the dividing wall of hostility, by setting aside in his flesh the law with its commands and regulations. His purpose was to create in himself one new humanity out of the two, thus making peace, and in one body to reconcile both of them to God through the cross, by which he put to death their hostility. He came and preached peace to you who were far away and peace to those who were near. For through him we both have access to the Father by one Spirit.

Consequently, you are no longer foreigners and strangers, but fellow citizens with God’s people and also members of his household, built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus himself as the chief cornerstone. In him the whole building is joined together and rises to become a holy temple in the Lord. And in him you too are being built together to become a dwelling in which God lives by his Spirit.” – Ephesians 2:13-22

Throughout this week at YFC National Conference 2017; we have been hearing God speaking so clearly to us as an organisation.

Lives have been touched and transformed.

People have had their vision renewed.

God has encouraged and challenged us.

And we have had many laughs and lots of joy filled times together.

We have heard great messages in our morning and evening sessions; we will be posting some of them up on our blog space; or linking you to the YFC UK media channel for you to benefit from the great teaching we have heard; as and when they become available.

The seminars have been insightful, heartfelt, relevant, challenging, pragmatic, practical, visionary, and exactly what we as a youth work organisation have needed as we head into 2017. Putting tools into our hands to see young people reached with the life transforming message of Jesus in a relevant way.

Our main speaker for the morning sessions has been Stephen Gaukroger; ‘the founder-director of Clarion Trust International, an organisation which exists to equip the worldwide church for leadership, mission & evangelism.’ He has been leading us through the book of Ephesians as we look at the over-arching theme of our unity in Christ.

Unity comes from being one in Jesus and nowhere else. This unity affects us culturally and socially; we are not divided into groupings, tribes, races, ethnicities, or in any other way that the world and culture would like to categories and pigeonholes us as; but we are all ‘One’ in Christ.

Out identity is firmly grounded in Him and Him alone.

The answer to all of the division and segregation that we see in the world around us can only be found in Jesus; and as the church of God, His beloved bride, we need to tear down the fictitious walls that the lies of the enemy have built up around us and between us. Lies that say that our denomination; our background; our worship styles, the versions/translations of the Bible we read; where we live; how we dress, etc. etc. define us and give us our identity.

We need to stop listening to these lies and living out of them; for they create and foster a sense of us and them.

There is no us and them in Jesus; but He has made us one. “For he himself is our peace, who has made the two groups one and has destroyed the barrier, the dividing wall of hostility” – Ephesians 2:14

Let us live out 2017 united in Christ; all working together to see God’s kingdom come and see lives saved by Jesus.

There is so much more to say about the 2017 National Conference; look for another post from me on Monday.

Have a great week-end everyone and let’s see how we can encourage one another to stand united in Jesus in 2017.

Happy New Year!

YFC One!

‘My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message, that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me. I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one – I in them and you in me – so that they may be brought to complete unity. Then the world will know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me.’ – John 17:20-23

After travelling across the North Wales coast roads of the A55 & the A494, then onto the M56 & M60, we arrived at our destination; the Britannia Country House hotel in Didsbury, Manchester. Here the team from Llandudno YFC were joining with other centres from around the UK for the National YFC conference. This is a great time of the year for the whole of the YFC family. A time to gather together and celebrate all that God has done through the mission and ministry of YFC in the past year, and also a time to pray for the year ahead of us; asking God to give us vision for the next 12 months.

The theme of this year’s conference is ‘One YFC’.

Not to be confused with our gap year project YFC One.

We will be looking at how we as a ministry organisation that has centres all over the UK; centres that reach into different communities and engage with different cultures and people groups, ranging from our pre-teen ‘Big Ministries‘ to ‘Reflex‘ our work in prisons; can be united in purpose and vision. How we can be and how are we one?

To open up the conference national director Neil O’Boyle focussed on 3 points; 1: us being United in our devotion to Christ; 2: Belonging to a ministry family that is greater than just our local centre; and 3: Single minded in our goal of reaching young people relevantly with the message of Jesus.

Neil shared very honestly from his life-experience working as a missionary working for YFC in the middle-east and Asia.

He also shared some startling statistics about just how important it is for the church to engage more intentionally and relevantly with young people in our country.

So many young people are not interested in enquiring about God or crossing the threshold of a church building nowadays, and we as the people of God have a mandate and responsibility to pass on the message of Jesus to the young people in our local community and beyond. Leaving a legacy of faith.

Passing the baton on to the next generation; for them to run with and pass on in their turn.

The key points that God has kept on highlighting so far during the conference is Unity and Prayer.

Unity that comes from being united to and in Christ, not our denomination, not our culture, not our geographic area; but firmly united by being followers of Jesus and nothing more.

Churches working together to expand the kingdom of God by sharing the good news of Jesus.

Prayer has also been shown to be vital and key to seeing this unity and growth happen.

YFC UK will be launching its Pray365; where we will be having a concerted year of building and establishing a culture of pray across all of ministries in the UK. “[the] power of prayer can never be overrated. They who cannot serve God by preaching need not regret. If a man can but pray he can do anything. He who knows how to overcome with God in prayer has Heaven and earth at his disposal.“- Charles Haddon Spurgeon.

Pray changes everything, peoples, nations, generations and most importantly it changes the person praying.

So far the conference has encouraged me for what God has in store for us both in Llandudno YFC and also with YFC nationwide.

We will keep you updated as the week goes on.

Happy New Year!