Extreme Days!

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of light, it was the season of darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair.” – Charles Dickens, a Tale of Two Cities.

I chose this quote for Charles Dicken’s ‘A Tale of Two Cities’ to open this blog post, because it seems like we are living in such a time today, where it seems to be the best of times and the worst of times.

There is so much upheaval and change happening around the globe that some people are in shock and dismay at what is going on; others are celebrating what seems to be the unsettling of the status quo.

These are indeed ‘extreme days‘. However, it is not as if the world has not gone through upheavals and changes that have shook people to their foundations. The whole of the Bible recounts times of great change and upheaval. Times where there are wars, changes in government, exiles, people fleeing persecution, people returning to their homelands, prejudices, intolerance, all manner of changes, cataclysmic events, the list goes on.

The constant through all of these events is God. He is our source of refuge. He is our source of strength. He is unchangeable and unwavering. He alone is trustworthy.

He alone is our Rock (Psalm 18).

As we trust in Him in these extreme days, we will not be shaken (Hebrews 12); but we can rest assured in His goodness and love. We know that there is a time for everything under heaven and that He makes all things beautiful in his time (Ecclesiastes 3).

Let us in these days, look to God. Lift our gaze above all the clamouring noise of the world around us, as see the One from whom our salvation comes (Psalm 121). Let us pray to Him for the nations and those in leadership. Let us pray that they would rule with wisdom and righteousness. But also, let us ask God how we can bring His love to the world around.

How can we manifest His kingdom in the world around us?

How can we bring God’s wisdom, light and hope to the world and lead them from unbelief and doubt into faith in the only true God and Saviour, Jesus Christ?

It starts with us on our knees before God almighty, asking for His help and strength.

2017, is also going to be an year of ‘extreme days‘ for the director of Llandudno Youth for Christ. This year he is going to be doing some extreme snowboarding, climbing a mammoth amount of mountain peaks, going rally driving and also performing an ‘extreme‘ feat to raise funds for the work of LLYFC (more details regarding this will be forthcoming in future blog posts – keep your eyes and ears peeled)

This is not the first time people have done something ‘extreme‘ to raise funds for the work we do at reaching young people with the good news of Jesus; in past years we have had a lady shave her hair off to raise money for what we do. Rev. Neil Kirkham, pastor at Gloddaeth United church in Llandudno swam a length of the Conwy river to raise funds for what we do.

It’s amazing to see what an amazing God can do through people who will step out in faith.

Let’s pray for the work that we are doing here, and when Tim does perform his ‘extreme‘ feat to raise funds for the work of LLYFC, let’s be ‘extremely‘ generous givers to support him.

Be blessed!

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