All for 4 Square & 4 Square for all!!!
Last Thursday at our Reverb Youth Space after school drop-in we held our very first ‘4 Square Tournament‘. The order of the event went as follows:-
3.15 – 3.30 – Open practice
3.35 – 3.50 – Round 1
3.55 – 4.10 – Round 2
4.15 – 4.30 – Final
4.30 – 4.35 – Closing ceremony & prizes
It was a great evening, full of lots of fun and excitement; with quite a number of attendees. The competition was quite fierce at points, with two of our regular Reverb attendees battling it out for first place. We had an expert referee on hand to sort out any disputes over whether the ball was in or out and also to tally up the points scored by everyone playing; not the easiest of jobs to do, but he did it admirably.

Tim commentating on the tournament
We had some great joke-filled commentary from our centre director Mr Tim Gough and regular volunteer Mr James Edwards; and the music in the DJ booth was suppled by our administrator Mr Todd Warden-Owen.

Tim Goughs wife Kate receiving the Epic Fail Award.
Everyone who was not doing another job took part and at the end of event after 2 exhausting but fun rounds of 4 square we held our prize giving. We had 4 awards to give out; the prize for the overall winner of the tournament, an award for the best sportsmanship behaviour during the tournament, an award for the best trick shot played during the tournament; and an award for the most epic fail during the tournament (like the wooden spoon in other games).

Our fabulous 4 square tournament trophies
Tim had hand-crafted the trophies himself out of DC comics justice league figures glued to
wooden plinths and spray painted gold and silver respectively. They looked rather impressive, if I might say so myself. We also gave easter eggs to all award winners; and also everyone who had taken part in the tournament received a ‘cream egg’ as a mini prize.
It was a lot of fun, and everyone went home happy.
So as you can tell, this was a great success, and the young people are looking forward to more ‘4 Square tournaments‘ at Reverb.
This week we will be holding one of our infamous ‘Nerf Wars‘, but instead of it being Santa & his helpers v the elves; as we did at Christmas; this Thursday 6th April @ 3:15pm will see the ‘Disney Princesses v Pixar Sidekicks‘…who will emerge victorious?!? Come along and find out!
If you know of any young people aged 11-18 who might be interested in coming along to Reverb, let them know about this fantastic event; or if you yourself are 11-18 years old, come along a join in the fun.
Plus, with exams starting not long after the Easter holidays, we will having a ‘Revision room‘ set-up as part of every ‘Reverb Youth Space‘ night from the 11th May to the end of term.
Have a great week & be blessed!
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