
As with soooo many of the titles for my blog posts; today’s post has a music theme. It is in fact the title of a Delirious? Album. The album was released in 199 and it was their second studio album, following on from ‘King of Fools‘. Mezzamorphis was a great album for me and brings back so many memories.

Stu G (the band’s guitarist) states about the album, specifically when talking about the track ‘Metamorphis’, that “the fact that out in the world, although everybody wants to be their own selves, we’re pulled this way and that. Everyone you meet wants you to be something or another. The song asks God to help us to be our own true selves, as God sees us, not the way folk pressure us to be what they want us to be.” In-fact the title for the album as a whole is taken from the track ‘Metamorphis‘ and the first track on the album ‘Mezzanine Floor‘, which is about how they as a band were moving towards new directions musically, but had not yet reached where they were wanting to go.

This idea of aiming towards a goal, and knowing that you are heading in a direction that God intends for you, but that you are not already there yet makes me think of the apostle Paul when he says “Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already arrived at my goal, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me. Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: forgetting what is behind and straining towards what is ahead, I press on towards the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenwards in Christ Jesus.” – Philippians 3:12-14

There is a sense of journey, of growth, of change in what Delirious and St. Paul are saying. Hence the title of this blog post ‘Mezzamorhpis’: change in transition.

All of our lives are filled with changes and trasitions, and sometimes it feels like we are stuck on a mezzanine floor in our transformation. We are not where we used to be, but we have not reached our destination yet.

This is especially true in our walk with God.

If we have decided to follow Christ, we are no-longer walking blindly in ignorance and alienated from God, but are now citizens of heaven, adopted sons and daughters of the King of kings and co-heirs with Chris. ‘Heaven is our home’ as Martin Smith so aptly sings, but we are still here on earth. Waiting for the fulfilment of all that God has planned for us.

But do we just sit and wait idly by?…

No, we live, we learn, we grow, we change.

In fact the 3rd week of our ‘We believe’ series at Redefine was ‘Growing people change’.

Which is so very true.

If something is alive and thriving, then it will naturally be changing. Even Jesus ‘grew in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and man.’

As did people like the apostles Peter & Paul. You can read about the change and growth that happened in their lives from encounters they had with the risen Jesus. Read their before (Mark 14:66-72, John 21:15-19 and Acts 7:54-60, Acts 8:1-3 & Acts 9:1-31) and after stories in the Bible.

I also used the title from the album ‘Mezzamorphis’ as I listened to it quite extensively in 1999 & 2000 whilst I was living and studying in Australia. I was going to Bible college there, and there was so much change and growth going on in my life, that this album helped me keep my perspective on what was happening and where God was leading me.


In your walk with God, I want to encourage you to keep learning, keep changing and keep developing as He transforms you into His likeness.

Be blessed!

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