Angry Birds! Rargh!
Last Sunday night at Redefine we had a brilliant, fun evening playing a live action version of the popular computer game/app ‘Angry Birds‘. The first game in this popular video game franchise was launched in 2009, and since then it has spawned multiple other versions (26 in total), including the popular ‘Angry Birds Star Wars’. There has also been a film, and another is set for release in 2019.
In the game of Angry Birds, the player launches the ‘angry bird‘ from a catapult at a fortress made of stones and wood, that hides assorted green piggies that have stolen the birds’ eggs. The birds have to knock all of the piggies to the ground to win.
In line with the style of game play, we had boxes, cones & platforms upon which we placed green balloons with piggy faces drawn on them. The boxes were arranged by a competing team, to try and make it as difficult as possible for the team that was to launch the birds, to knock the piggies to the ground. The ‘bird’ team then launched red, blue or yellow footballs at the structures, trying to know the piggies from their perches. Each piggy that hit the ground earned the ‘Angry Bird‘ team 1000 points, with a bonus of 5000 if you managed to eliminate all 8 of the piggies.
Everyone involved had a blast. It was so much fun, and everyone really got into the spirit of the game, working together in 3 different teams to see who would be crowned the ‘Angry Bird‘ champion.
Our director Mr Tim Gough, then gave an uplifting and encouraging talk about Jesus & Peter walking on the water. Saying that when Peter faltered in his faith, Jesus was right there to save Peter and pick him up. Jesus is the same for us, when we are sinking in doubt, mired in fear and worry. Jesus doesn’t leave us, he doesn’t let us drown. No he reaches his hand out and saves us. Jesus never changes.
His faithfulness to Peter extends to us too today.
So even when like the piggies fortress, we find our life in tatters and all broken apart, Jesus is right there with hand extended to us in love. Ready to pick us up and get us walking with Him again.
It’s great being able to host these fun events that speak into the lives of the young people.
Please do continue to support us financially, in prayer and in a voluntary capacity, when and where you can. Let’s continue to see young people’s lives transformed by Jesus.
Be blessed!
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