‘Happy Father’s Day’ doesn’t work for every young person

Dads are great right? Mine taught me to use tools and gifted me with a love of puns. It’s amazing to celebrate Dads and all that they’ve done for us.

It’s not always that simple though is it? Below is an article I wrote as a guest column in ‘Premier Youth and Children’s Work’ magazine a few years back.

The good father myth

I recently told a classroom of teenagers a story about a good father, and used it as a springboard to talk about the perfect love of God. There was a girl on the front row, however, who jerked suddenly and glared at me fiercely through tears for the rest of the session.

For years I’ve told these stories about God as a loving father, and I’ve assumed they’ll just get what I mean. There’s a big problem with this though. Parents are not always there and when they are, they are not always good.

Over 42 per cent of marriages in the UK end in divorce, almost half of those affect children under the age of 16, and the vast majority of child abuse happens within the family unit. Not everyone knows what a ‘good father’ looks like. Some dads are jerks, some are absent, and some really don’t deserve the title. We cannot indiscriminately trust that young people have any real concept of what a loving father actually is.

This myth – that everyone has some concept of what a ‘good father’ is – has followed our evangelism for quite a long time now. It has permeated every part of our worship, and it still forms the cornerstone of a lot of our teaching.

God is father and he has a truly good father’s heart towards us. We cannot expect, however, that everyone will understand exactly what that means. The father metaphor, in lots of cases, conjures images of imperfection, brokenness, or even neglect and abuse. In some cases it quietly leaves confusion, or just a lonely feeling of absence. In other scenarios, like what happened in my classroom, it can invoke real deep pain and simply propagate entrenched ill will towards God. Incredibly, fatherhood actually becomes an obstacle; a stumbling block to a young person falling in love with God.

Maybe, rather than talking simply about ‘fatherhood’, we should make sure we share the specific traits we’re referring to. So let’s talk about warmth, protection, compassion, strength, solidity, and leadership. Let’s describe fatherhood, not just state it. We can talk faithfully about the fatherhood of God by sharing what it means specifically, without just using the word ‘father’ in isolation.

Perhaps we should develop a philosophy that makes God the original form or ideal version of what father truly means. God is the highest reality of father, which means that He gets to set the tone for what a father really should be. Instead of saying “God loves you like a father,” maybe we could say “God is the father, and He loves you”. This subtle change of orientation stops us making God in the image of our own broken fathers, and creates a new category that He fully inhabits.

My good friend Mark and his wife recently had a baby and she is a little knock out. Cute, excitable and, at times, wonderfully loud. For the longest time she wouldn’t fall asleep without being in physical contact with one of her parents. Mark spent hours sat with this little life sleeping soundly on his belly. Her parents were her safe place. Mark as a dad was a secure and protected zone of absolute love and compassion – and I know he always will be. That’s what good fatherhood does!

Where can our young people find that safe space? How can we draw reluctant young people into the arms of The Father when their own fatherhood relationships are damaged? I know we can’t replace parents, and we really shouldn’t try to, but could our churches and youth groups provide a place of safety and compassion which reflects the safety and compassion of their father in heaven? I hope so! I’d encourage us to think intentionally about how we can introduce The Father to those who have little or broken reference for what fatherhood should be.

Fatherhood can be a beautiful thing – and with God it certainly always is. However, if we trip up on the first hurdle and can’t get past the word itself, then we’ll never get to the heart. We need to speak to our young people about the truth of God as father – a truth that breaks chains and dismantles spirals of self-destruction. Our language needs to be both basic and specific. It should show a real awareness of the problems many young people have with fatherhood as a concept. It is, after all, more important to communicate the real truth than just to use the ‘correct’ words. In the way we talk to young people we need to reach beyond just the word ‘father’ and capture the reality behind it.

We have an amazing opportunity to restore, redeem and even reintroduce what a father could and should be to a world in desperate need of him. Let’s get on it!


Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

Do you recognise the photo?

It’s North Shore beach in Llandudno. I took this photo on a 35mm point-and-shoot camera in the mid 1990s. It was Easter People, and this was the week that I gave my life to Jesus.

I was sat on the floor of St. David’s Methodist Church in Craig y Don, which was used as the youth venue. During the evening someone read a verse from Jeremiah that really spoke to me, and I got up the courage to speak to one of the team, and became a Christian there and then. That was the most important day of my life. I can remember exactly the way I felt.

Did you know that the vast majority of Christians accept Jesus before they’re 14 years old? That means that most Christians became so as a young person, and it means that the very best time to share the gospel with someone is when they still are a young person.

There’s never been a more important time to be good at what we do. Youth for Christ in Llandudno are doing all that we can to help young people have that same experience as I did nearly twenty years ago. At the moment that means YouTube content, Instagram Live videos, Zoom meetings, one-to-ones over the phone, and support for parents. The mission hasn’t stopped, it’s just changed shape.

Please keep standing with us. Please consider supporting the work that we do. Please pray for every young person in this town to say ‘yes’ to Jesus.



I have so many monkeys! Working with high achievers.

Yesterday’s ‘live Reverb thought’ began with me sharing some of my collection of stuffed monkeys. One of them in particular, Damien, was given to me by my youth worker (also called Damien!) back when I was a teenager.

It was about then as a young person that I realised I really wanted to go into ministry. This was quite a big deal for me because, as an academically high achiever, everyone wanted me to pursue something big and crazy. My English teacher wanted me to go into politics, my science teacher suggested research, my psychology teacher pushed psychiatry, and my geography teacher wanted me to pursue geology. All of these sounded fun and interesting but none of them brought my teenage heart alive like telling people about Jesus did. It came as a big shock to everyone then, when I withdrew from studying ‘PPE’ at Oxford and went instead to what my dad colourfully called ‘Vicar Factory.’

I sometimes wonder if a lot of youth work oddly sidesteps the ‘high achievers’, letting them just get on with it and work things out for themselves. I think if we do this then we will really let a lot of our young people down. They don’t need ‘leaving to it’, they need feeding, stimulating and challenging. They need to be held accountable to God’s calling on their lives so that they don’t just put all their confidence in their brain power or rely too much on their grades.

Being a high achiever doesn’t make you immune to anxiety, poor self-esteem, or immense amounts of stress (ask any university professor!). It can sometimes, however, make you incredibly lonely. Even saying ‘I’m a high achiever’ is enough for a teenager to draw bullying and resentment from both peers and adults alike. It’s also really difficult for a high achiever to distinguish between what they can do (in terms of their high ability) and what they should do (God’s calling on their lives). Because they get high grades, it’s too easy for leaders and parents to push them towards the former without much thought towards the latter. That’s called being trapped by achievement.

It’s so important that we engage a wide range of very different young people. At Youth for Christ we provide this through our growing variety of projects. However, as someone who was a high achiever myself when back at High School, I try hard to make sure that I’m keenly aware of those particular young people in our groups today.

Through one-to-ones, in depth studies, prayer times, Q&As, guidance counselling, and just through providing lots of opportunities to share, we have been able to offer real support to those young people who have the added stress and loneliness of doing well at school.

Youth for Christ is about reaching every young person. It’s strange how often we unknowingly leave some out because we think that they don’t need us. There are so many types of young people that need our attention and the high achievers are just one group who are often overlooked in youth groups.

So, what’s your area? Do you have experience with high achievement? What about sports, arts, additional needs? Are you naturally louder or quieter, loquacious or introspective? Do you love knitting, writing, cooking, reading, making videos, or playing the kazoo?

Not only is there room for all, we need a wide variety of volunteers to reach the enormous variety of young people who exist. Young people, after all, are just people – and they come in all the shapes and sizes that the rest of us do. Can you bring something unique to share with our young people? Get in touch and start a conversation with us about what you could add to those under our care today.

Can you help us out with YouTube?

Related to this, we have just started a YouTube channel for young people. This is being brilliant, but it’s very limited at the moment. We need 100 subscribers before we can advertise our own link to young people – which will make it far easier for them to see it and share it with their friends.

Can you subscribe to our new channel here and help us get there? You can find it here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCz295XuUp4GFgb-0qOYUU_w


Photo by Jared Rice on Unsplash

Can you guess how much of what we do is run by Volunteers?

Today begins National Volunteer Week 2020. This is a perfect time to call out our awesome volunteers!

For the 2019 Annual General Meeting, we worked out that we work with around 5000 young people a year. Between 40 and 50 young people were spending at least an hour a week with us, some young people were spending ten hours a week with us (the average was about four hours a week). Lockdown notwithstanding, these numbers have grown over the last year.

The most important number we worked out, however, was that it takes about 150 ‘people hours’ a week to run Llandudno Youth for Christ, and two thirds of that is done by volunteers.

Two thirds of what we do is entirely voluntary!

100 hours a week is done by volunteers!

That means Youth for Christ in Llandudno simply would not exist without our incredible team of committed, passionate, compassionate, and tireless volunteers.

Did you know that we have over fifty volunteers at Llandudno Youth for Christ? Everything from our Saturday Café, our frontline youth work projects, one-to-ones, schools work, administration, management and governance – is fuelled and carried by our amazing volunteers.

I know I’m biased, but I believe our volunteers are simply the best in the world.

So this blog today, from my heart, is simply a huge shout out to our incredible team of volunteers.

Thank you. Every one of you. You know who you are. We know who you are. And young people are meeting Jesus because of you.

Happy Volunteers’ Week!


Photo by ray sangga kusuma on Unsplash