Entries by llandudnoyfc@gmail.com

Lost in Wonder…

“I’m lost in wonder, I’m lost in love, I’m lost in praise forevermore. Because of Jesus’ unfailing love, I am forgiven, I am restored.” So goes the chorus of Martyn Layzell’s worship song ‘Lost in Wonder‘, which is also the title of this blog post. The dictionary definition of ‘wonder‘ is either a feeling of amazement and admirations, […]

Let there be light!

The very first words that we read that God speaks in the Bible are, ‘Let there be light‘ – ויאמר אלהים יהי אור ויהי אור׃ – Genesis 1:3. Amidst all of the darkness, emptiness and formlessness of creation God speaks light, and there was light; and it was good. Whenever we see darkness in Bible, we must remember that with God there […]

Will the real Jesus please stand up, please stand up, please stand up…

Last night at ‘Redefine‘, as explained in last week’s blog post, we started our teaching series looking at the person of Jesus: ‘Jesus is…‘ It was a fun night, with a great talk by our director Mr Tim Gough, as he looked at so many people around the world and throughout history have been influenced […]

Jesus is…

This coming Sunday at our Sunday evening Bible Study; ‘Redefine‘, we will be starting a new teaching series as we look at who Jesus is. Hence the title of this blog post, ‘Jesus is..‘, which will be the title of the series, with us fleshing out the rest of the title for each week, to […]


In this blog post I want to commend the amazing young people that come to the events that we hold. They truly are outstanding! Often in so many ways young people are looked down upon and disrespected by those that are supposedly older and wiser. Sometimes this does hold water, and the young people in […]


Have you ever looked at a packet of cereal, on some of them, they say that the cereal is ‘fortified’ with vitamins & minerals. When food is enriched or fortified; trace elements of vitamins and minerals are added to the foods. This is sometimes done to increase the appeal of the food to buyers,  but […]


As with soooo many of the titles for my blog posts; today’s post has a music theme. It is in fact the title of a Delirious? Album. The album was released in 199 and it was their second studio album, following on from ‘King of Fools‘. Mezzamorphis was a great album for me and brings […]

Gratitude is a Great Attitude.

What are you thankful for? Why are you thankful? To whom are you thankful? This coming Thursday 21st September is ‘World Gratitude Day‘. Gratitude is defined as the state of being grateful. Which itself is defined as ‘feeling or showing an appreciation for something done or received‘. It is from the Latin word ‘Gratus‘ which […]

All in the serve

Last night we had another excellent ‘Redefine‘ meeting. We continued to look at our ‘We Believe‘ series and spoke about how as Christians we are called to serve God and serve others. ‘Saved people, serve people‘ was the title. Now when I say serve, I don’t necessarily mean playing tennis, unless of course by ‘serving’ […]