I am loved more than I can ever know!
This blog’s title is a personalisation of the lyrics to the song ‘Light‘ by the band Sleeping At Last. In the chorus of the song it says ‘you are more loved than you can ever know’.
Which is so true.
I don’t think we can ever fully understand or appreciate how much God loves us. How much we are loved.
“Long ago the Lord said to Israel: “I have loved you, my people, with an everlasting love. With unfailing love I have drawn you to myself.” – Jeremiah 31:3.
“This is real love—not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as a sacrifice to take away our sins.” – 1 John 4:10
“See how very much our Father loves us, for he calls us his children, and that is what we are!” – 1 John 3:1
At last night’s ‘Redefine‘ we looked at the Father heart of God; how He loves us so much.
I used to struggle with the thought that God loved me, unconditionally. I thought that His love for me was conditional. That it depended upon my performance.
Over the past several years God has taken me on a journey to reveal just how much He loves me. How He is a good Father, and not the fractured and imperfect image of a father that we see in the world around us, but the perfect Father that we are looking for.
Becoming a dad myself has really helped me grasp more fully how much He truly does love us.
I love my children, because of who they are, my children, not because of what they do. The moment I first saw them my heart filled with so much love. More than I thought possible. This little bundle of arms & legs, totally dependant on me and my wife.
My love is imperfect and flawed.
How much more does God who is the perfect Father love us!?
“When we were utterly helpless, Christ came at just the right time and died for us sinners. Now, most people would not be willing to die for an upright person, though someone might perhaps be willing to die for a person who is especially good. But God showed his great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners.” – Romans 5:6-8.
It was so great to have the opportunity to share this life changing truth, that God really does love us, with so many young people: For them to hear this truth at such a young age.
‘Redefine‘ is a great ministry that seeks to help disciple young people and see them grow and develop in their faith. To find and discover a true and deeply rooted relationship with Jesus and grow in that relationship.
We seek to put the tools in their hands that will help them throughout their lives. Help them to read the Bible for all it’s worth. To live a life full of prayer and praise. To learn to serve and support each other. To reach out to those around them with the love of God that they have discovered to be so true.
Please continue to pray for the young people that come to ‘Redefine‘. Also pray that God would add to their number and that we would see many more young people be reached with the life changing gospel of Jesus.
Be blessed and know that you are loved!