A design for life…

The title, as with a lot of my titles, is a sort of pun. It’s actually a Manic Street Preachers (a Welsh Indie Rock band) song title. I chose this, as last Monday night we held our penultimate Monthly Meet training evening before the Summer holidays, and during the evening, we looked at the whole issue of design; specifically graphic design.

It was a brilliant session; with loads of interesting and informative theory about design; advertising & the styles that have historically been used to reach each generational group.

we also had plenty of practical opportunities to create our own designs following a design brief. This was good fun and also eye opening to see how our design ethos changed following the training. It was great to see the before and after designs we made.

Unfortunately it was not as well attended as normal; perhaps due to people thinking that learning about good design work within Christian spheres is not high on the priorities list? However, I believe that as Christians we should be the most creative and design conscious people on the planet; after all we are made in the image of the great Creator and are in daily relationship with Him.

Make a careful exploration of who you are and the work you have been given, and then sink yourself into that. Don’t be impressed with yourself. Don’t compare yourself with others. Each of you must take responsibility for doing the creative best you can with your own life.” – Galatians‬ ‭6:4-5‬

God wants us to be creative people who demonstrate aspects of His creativity to those around us. God can give us new, creative ways to look at things, to solve problems, to share His love with others.

Our next Monthly Meet training night will be on Monday 19th June at Ty Llywelyn Community Centre. This will also be out last before the Summer break; so it’s definitely one not to be missed.

We hope you can do your creative best to be able to make it for what is sure to be an amazing night.

Be blessed


Above all else get wisdom!

Above all and before all, do this: Get Wisdom!
    Write this at the top of your list: Get Understanding! – Proverbs 4:7

Last night at ‘Redefine‘, our Sunday evening Bible study, we looked at the whole idea of ‘self-education’. It was a great evening, with a fun game that tied in with the whole education theme.

Mr James Edwards, one of our great volunteer leaders at Llandudno Youth for Christ, spoke passionately about  self-education. He encouraged the young people to get into reading books. To seek out wisdom and knowledge. To listen to good speakers and watch informative documentaries. To broaden their horizons. To ask questions and develop their critical thinking skills.

It was really encouraging and challenging all at the same time.

With many of our young people facing exams, it was a great evening to encourage them to do their best in the exams, but also for them to be reassured that their exams results do not dictate who they are or what their future will be.

“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.” – Anon.

God has given different gifts and abilities to all of us, but not everyone is ‘academically’ gifted in a way that conforms to our current education system, where the exams call for the regurgitation of facts and figures, and so they can feel like failures and as the above quote states, they can feel like failures, but Education is what remains after one has forgotten what one has learned in school.” – Albert Einstein.

God encourages us to grow in wisdom and knowledge. Indeed, we should always be learning and growing. The best way to do that is to go to the source of all wisdom, God himself. The best way to engage with God and learn from Him is through prayer and reading your Bible, and there are so many resources out there to help you with that too nowadays.

Another way we were encouraged last night to grow in our wisdom and knowledge was through mentoring (named after a classic greek character from Homer’s Odyssey). This is where you get people who are not your peers, but are further on in the journey of life than you are, to speak wisdom into your life and situation; or to pass on their knowledge and expertise to you. They help you to grow from where you are, to where they are by giving you insights and opportunities to grow and develop. A Russian educational psychologist Lev Vygotsky called this the ZPD (Zone of Proximal Development – read up about it here).

This was a challenge to me, to get into reading more books and also to start listening to sermons that will help me grow in my walk with God.

At Llandudno Youth for Christ we also hold another great way for people to grow and develop.

Each month we hold a free training event called our ‘Monthly Meet‘ and we cover a vast array of topics and training nights delivered by people with expertise in their respective fields.

Last month we had some excellent training in conflict resolution from the Rev Tim Hall. Our next ‘Monthly Meet‘ is tonight; Monday 15th May, 7pm at Ty Llywelyn Community Centre, and we will be looking at the whole aspect of graphic design.

Come along if it’s a topic you’d like to grow and develop in.

However, whatever you do to grow and develop in wisdom and knowledge; above all else spend time with God, For the Lord gives wisdom; from his mouth come knowledge and understanding.”Proverbs 2:6

Also, please continue to pray for all the young people that are taking exams in the coming weeks. Pray for God’s wisdom on their lives and for God’s peace to guide them.

Be blessed!

The Slam

A week today, on Thursday 18th May at our ‘Reverb Youth Space‘ after-school drop-in club, we will be having a combo-event; with ‘Karaoke‘ and a ‘Poetry-Slam‘.

Now, I’m sure most people know what ‘Karaoke‘ is. It is a form of entertainment/hobby that comes from Japan. The name Karaoke カラオケ, is a clipped compound of the Japanese kara 空 “empty” and ōkesutora オーケストラ “orchestra”, and is now popular around the world. They even as of 2003 have a ‘Karaoke World Championship

Now, what exactly is a ‘poetry slam‘? Is it where people get together to critique poets and poetry? Do they ‘slam’ poetry?!


A ‘poetry slam‘ is a competition at which performance artists read or recite original works of poetry. The first poetry slam took place in Chicago in 1984. American poet Marc Smith designed the first competition to help popularise poetry recitals, and move them from the dusty halls of academia to a more popular setting; such as cafe’s and bars. So it, like Karaoke, is a way in which people can have fun and express themselves in music and rhyme. Being creative and enjoying some time with friends.

When I came up with the title of this post, I couldn’t help but think of Toby Mac’s song ‘The Slam‘; where he calls Jesus Christ ‘The Slam’. This is not a negative connotation, despite the fact that to slam can mean to hit hard. However, in this context, the Slam is from urban slang meaning ‘something awesome’ and ‘something that should catch our attention’. So he is saying that Jesus is awesome and He should catch our attention. You can read the lyrics here. I love the way that Toby Mac is so creative with his lyrics, and that within everything that he does as a songwriter and a performer, he is always pointing back to God.

Jesus is his focus.

Just like the apostle Paul – “The Son is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him. He is before all things, and in him all things hold together. And he is the head of the body, the church; he is the beginning and the firstborn from among the dead, so that in everything he might have the supremacy.” – Colossians 1:15-18

Back to next Thursday. Come along on Thursday 18th of May @ 3:15pm & have some fun. Sing a song or two. We have over 80 songs to choose from on our Karaoke playlist. Write a poem and share it; or share a poem that has impacted you.

It should be a lot of fun.


“Pie in ear?!”…no I said ‘Pioneer!’

What is a ‘Pioneer?’ What does ‘Pioneer’ mean?

According to the dictionary, a pioneer is…1. a person who is among those who first enter or settle a region, thus opening it for occupation and development by others. 2. one who is first or among the earliest in any field of inquiry, enterprise, or progress: e.g. pioneers in cancer research. 3. one of a group of foot soldiers detailed to make roads, dig entrenchments, etc., in advance of the main body. 4. an organism that successfully establishes itself in a barren area, thus starting an ecological cycle of life.
Sorry about the pun in the title. It’s what I always think of when I hear the word ‘Pioneer.’
I’m writing about the word pioneer because last night at ‘Redefine‘, our Sunday evening youth Bible study, our centre director spoke about ‘Fresh Expressions of Church‘; and how they are pioneering new work and new ways to reach out into communities with the good news of Jesus.
There are some interesting articles here and here. for those who want to read more about ‘FXC’ (Fresh Expressions of Church) as it is commonly abbreviated to. In-fact there is an organisation called Fresh Expressions that is set-up to ‘champion and support the fresh expressions movement, working with Christians from a variety of denominations and traditions.’ You can check them out here.
Tim walked everyone present through some of the research that has been done regarding ‘FXC‘ and it was most interesting. He then got everyone broken into groups and asked them to brainstorm areas where they could ‘pioneer’ a fresh expression of the life of the church as an exercise in creativity, to help us understand how these pioneering movements of God’s body work. It was a very interesting and eye-opening evening.
It makes me think of all of the ‘Pioneers’ in the Bible. People who dared to believe God when He called them to do something new. Something that no-one had done before. People like Noah – building a boat on dry land despite the ridicule of his neighbours. Abraham – leaving his family to travel to a land that God had called him to. In fact the whole of Hebrews 11 is full of pioneers who listened to God and by faith obeyed.
It was really exciting to see the young people responding to this message about where God is at work pioneering new ways of bringing the life of the church into the community in the UK. To see them come up with creative ideas that are outside of the box that we have for so-long labelled as ‘church’.
What ways can you reach out into your community with the love of God?
Maybe you can come along to our ‘Reverb Saturday Cafe @ St John’s‘ and minister to those that come in by serving them a tea or coffee and nice slice of cake? Maybe you can join us at our monthly prayer meetings as we pray for the young people in our area? It might be something completely different, but I’m sure that if you seek God and ask Him how you can share His love and light in new ways with your friends and neighbours, He will give you new and creative ways to share His amazing love.
Be blessed!

Back with a passion!

Hi all! Well, this is the first week back for everyone after the Easter holidays I guess.

We held our first ‘Redefine‘ Bible study for young people this week after a week’s break on Easter Sunday. We will also be holding our first ‘Recess‘ lunch-time school’s club; our first ‘Reverb Youth Space‘ after-school drop-in club (3:15-5:15pm @ Ty Llwyelyn Community Centre), both this Thursday 27th April.

We have just had a great ‘Monthly Meet‘ training night with the Rev Tim Hall on Monday 24th April. He taught us so much valuable information regarding conflict resolution. I know that many people went away with great tools to use in their youth groups, homes & churches; and I’m looking forward to May’s ‘Monthly Meet‘ where we will be looking at the whole area of ‘design‘; from websites to poster, flyers, newsletter and presentations. It’ll be great.

We had our monthly prayer meeting to support the work that we do at Llandudno Youth for Christ; and as usual it was well attended, with a couple of new faces too. We are looking forward to May’s prayer meeting on Sunday 28th May at 7pm. We hope you can join us.

We are also looking forward to the months ahead of us as we head towards the summer.

There is so much going on.

We have Tim Gough’s charity bungee jump – ‘Tim’s Big Jump‘. Please do check it out here; and please support this crazy act of bravery for a good cause.

Let others know too.

Then we have our new teaching series at ‘Redefine‘ called “What makes us tick“. This is a series where the fantastic leaders that volunteer at the Sunday evening Bible study will be sharing about things they are passionate about and how their faith is supported or inspired by these things. Such as my own enjoyment of superheroes and comics and how in all of them people are looking for a Saviour; and how in Jesus we find the Saviour we have been looking for (in fact I did write a blog about that here.)

It’ll be an opportunity for us to talk about things we are passionate about; and we pray that the young people will be inspired to pursue their God given dreams and passions as a result of these Bible studies.

We will also be holding our AGM which will include a showcase of all the different events that we hold; and well worth coming along to – Save The Date ‘Wednesday 7th June’.

So as we move forward into the Summer, please do continue to support all that we do in prayer, with financial provision and if you feel that you would love to volunteer at any of our events; especially our Saturday Cafe where we need more volunteers, especially as we head into the warmer months; then please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Have a great Spring and be blessed!

Robot Wars – Extreme Cardboard Edition!!!!

On Sunday 9th of April we had our last Sunday evening Bible Study – ‘Redefine‘ event before the Easter break. To make it a fun-filled and special night, we held our very own, and back by popular demand, ‘Robot Wars‘ evening.

We had 3 teams of engineers that were given sheets of cardboard, sticky tape, packing tape, cable ties, scissors, aluminium foil, card, tissue paper, a ball of thick cotton string, and a 3 wheeled garden planter base. Out of these materials there were tasked with constructing their very own ‘battle-bot‘ that would need to fight it out over a series of rounds to see who was the champion.

The contest was judged by 3 of our volunteer leaders; who were judging the contestants on the amount of control they had over the robot, the amount of aggression shown during the rounds and finally the amount of damage inflicted or sustained during a round. If a robot was completely incapacitated due to being irreparably damaged in some way they were automatically disqualified. Equally, if a robot was knocked out of the ring, this resulted in an immediate disqualification and loss of the round.

It was a lot of fun. Everyone got into creating and designing their robots with a lot of enthusiasm and good teamwork. It’s so good to see the image of God as our Creator shining through as we create things. Also the whole aspect of working together to see something made came out brilliantly on the evening; with everyone playing their part to produce their finished robot. Two of the volunteer leaders even created a new house robot to challenge our director Tim Gough’s championship winning robot ‘Sir Gingerlot‘.

When the field of play started we had 3 robots at the ready; ‘Barn-Alpha‘, ‘Poppet‘ & ‘Rollo‘ (I guess two of the teams were getting hungry from all of the building and creating and were thinking about chocolate snacks by the time it came to choosing names for their robots?!)

Barn-Alpha‘ was a sleek, hot rod or rocket looking machine, with ailerons on the side for control and a nicely shaped wedge at the front for getting under an opponents ‘bot’ to lift it up and incapacitate it.

Poppet‘ looked a bit more akin to a cardboard pig, with a large snout-like battering ram at the front and rolls of sticky tape at the back to balance out the weight.

Finally we had ‘Rollo‘, complete with ‘Rollo’ decal on the side of its fuselage. This too had a battering ram on the front, though to the side and not centrally located.

The first round went to ‘Barn-Alpha‘, who demonstrated better control and more aggression, despite not inflicting significant damage to ‘Poppet‘. ‘Poppet‘ fared little better against ‘Rollo‘ on the damage front, but due to ‘Rollo’s‘ lack of aggressiveness the round ended in a draw. ‘Barn-Alpha‘ then went on to win their round against ‘Rollo‘. It seemed that ‘Barn-Alpha‘ was going to walk away with the competition; as they had been in the lead for most of the event. However disaster struck when they entered their second round against ‘Poppet‘ and their undercarriage and wheels were mercilessly ripped off by ‘Poppet’s‘ large battering ram.

This was a huge blow to Team ‘Barn-Alpha‘ and after their bot was unceremoniously dragged from the arena, it was time for a final showdown between ‘Rollo‘ & ‘Poppet‘ to see who would emerge victorious. After 30 seconds of gruelling blows between these evenly matched bots, ‘Poppet‘ managed to knock ‘Rollo‘ out of the arena and earn the title of the night’s ‘champion‘ bot.

Congratulations were given and commiserations received; and the night was capped off by the exhibition fight between ‘Sir Gingerlot‘ and ‘The Tapenator‘. ‘The Tapenator‘ was not fairing well against the solidity of ‘Sir Gingerlot’s‘ tank like structure, despite having hobbled him by knocking one of his wheels off! In-fact it seemed like his days were numbered when ‘Sir Gingerlot‘ eliminated himself by knocking himself out of the arena trying to knock ‘The Tapenator’s‘ battering ram off!

Shock’s all round it seemed from the night. The little David’s managed to defeat the mighty Goliaths; a good lesson to be learned there.

It also is a good reminder to us as we head into the Easter week-end of God defeating sin & death on the cross.

And you, who were dead in your trespasses and the uncircumcision of your flesh, God made alive together with him, having forgiven us all our trespasses, by cancelling the record of debt that stood against us with its legal demands. This he set aside, nailing it to the cross. He disarmed the rulers and authorities and put them to open shame, by triumphing over them in him.” – Colossians 2:13-15  “None of the rulers of this age understood this, for if they had, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory.” – 1 Corinthians 2:8.

On Good Friday as were remember Jesus dying for the sins of the world on the cross; let us also remember that He won. He defeated sin & death and rose again victorious. This was a great surprise to the devil and all his angels.

So this Easter week-end, let us celebrate and rejoice that Jesus has won. Jesus has paid the price for our sins; and that Jesus is Lord!

Be Blessed!


This Thursday 6th April we held our last ‘Reverb Youth Space‘ night before the Easter holidays!

To blast this night off and get the Easter break started with a bang, we had one of our epic ‘Nerf Wars

It was a battle royal between the Disney Princesses and the Pixar Sidekicks; with only one side emerging triumphant!!!!

We had a great response to this event; with 15 new faces turning up at Ty Llywelyn to take part in the last Reverb before Easter.

A lot of this interest from the young people was as a direct result of all of the assemblies that our director Mr Tim Gough had held at Ysgol John Bright in the last week of the Spring term. A big thank you to all of the teachers and staff at Ysgol John Bright for letting us hold assemblies in this past week. We really appreciate the work we are able to do with our local schools.

The teams, once they had gathered in the armoury (where all the ‘Nerf Guns’ were laid out; and in reality the 50s style diner at Ty Llywelyn) were given their rules for the night’s Nerf Battles by Tim Gough and then assigned into their respective teams; with two of our volunteers leading each team.

Then it was whistles blown and the battle commenced with the Disney Princesses; all eager to shoot their enemy with itching trigger fingers and pastel coloured pompoms at the ready. They were faced against the hordes of team Pixar Sidekick waiting to ambush them in the main hall.

Nerf foam darts were flying everywhere (in fact the cleaning team have still been finding the odd one or two around the building, despite our thorough clean-up with the young people at the end of the event); and our two judges were walking around, making sure that no-one was cheating or breaking any of the rules.

4 rounds of games were held in all; including a last man standing round; where it ended up with 3 players still being alive at the end of play. This lead to a Mexican stand-off tie breaker which revealed to us our ultimate winner who survived to be the ‘last man standing!’

I almost forgot to say; the overall winners of the night were…..(drumroll please)…..’The Disney Princesses’ (I’m slightly biased as this was the team that I was leading)

Everyone involved had a blast; literally. Everyone played well and safely, and lots of happy young people went home at the end a little more tired out than at the start, but a lot more joy filled than they arrived.

This was our last ‘Reverb‘ before the Easter Break; and when we get back after Easter we will be having a ‘Movie Night‘, complete with popcorn and snacks!!! It will be a blast; starting at 3:15pm in Ty Llywelyn Community Centre, Llandudno, LL30 1LA; on Thursday 27th April.

Please continue to keep us in your prayers as we engage with the young people in our area and share the good news of Jesus with them relevantly through word and deed.

Also, if you know of any young person that might benefit from one of the events that we hold; then please do let them know about ‘Reverb‘.

Be blessed!


All for 4 Square & 4 Square for all!!!

Last Thursday at our Reverb Youth Space after school drop-in we held our very first ‘4 Square Tournament‘. The order of the event went as follows:-
3.15 – 3.30 – Open practice
3.35 – 3.50 – Round 1
3.55 – 4.10 – Round 2
4.15 – 4.30 – Final
4.30 – 4.35 – Closing ceremony & prizes

It was a great evening, full of lots of fun and excitement; with quite a number of attendees. The competition was quite fierce at points, with two of our regular Reverb attendees battling it out for first place. We had an expert referee on hand to sort out any disputes over whether the ball was in or out and also to tally up the points scored by everyone playing; not the easiest of jobs to do, but he did it admirably.

Tim commentating on the tournament

We had some great joke-filled commentary from our centre director Mr Tim Gough and regular volunteer Mr James Edwards; and the music in the DJ booth was suppled by our administrator Mr Todd Warden-Owen.

Tim Goughs wife Kate receiving the Epic Fail Award.

Everyone who was not doing another job took part and at the end of event after 2 exhausting but fun rounds of 4 square we held our prize giving. We had 4 awards to give out; the prize for the overall winner of the tournament, an award for the best sportsmanship behaviour during the tournament, an award for the best trick shot played during the tournament; and an award for the most epic fail during the tournament (like the wooden spoon in other games).

Our fabulous 4 square tournament trophies

Tim had hand-crafted the trophies himself out of DC comics justice league figures glued to

wooden plinths and spray painted gold and silver respectively. They looked rather impressive, if I might say so myself. We also gave easter eggs to all award winners; and also everyone who had taken part in the tournament received a ‘cream egg’ as a mini prize.


It was a lot of fun, and everyone went home happy.

So as you can tell, this was a great success, and the young people are looking forward to more ‘4 Square tournaments‘ at Reverb.

This week we will be holding one of our infamous ‘Nerf Wars‘, but instead of it being Santa & his helpers v the elves; as we did at Christmas; this Thursday 6th April @ 3:15pm will see the ‘Disney Princesses v Pixar Sidekicks‘…who will emerge victorious?!? Come along and find out!

If you know of any young people aged 11-18 who might be interested in coming along to Reverb, let them know about this fantastic event; or if you yourself are 11-18 years old, come along a join in the fun.

Plus, with exams starting not long after the Easter holidays, we will having a ‘Revision room‘ set-up as part of every ‘Reverb Youth Space‘ night from the 11th May to the end of term.

Have a great week & be blessed!

66% still to go….

A month ago, I posted a blog about the fact that we had raised 16% of our target fundraising goal for Tim’s Big Jump in just 1 month. So since we launched the endeavour to raise money for the work we do at Llandudno Youth for Christ, by sponsoring Tim Gough as he undertakes an extreme feat of jumping into the air, connected by a bungee cord to a platform. Tim will travel 400ft in just over 5 seconds and reach the staggering speed of 90 miles per hour!

When everyone heard of this plan; the support was staggering! We raised £824.40 in just 1 month and reached 16% of our target.

Now 1 month later I felt I needed to update everyone on where we were at; and also to yet again say a massive thank you to everyone who has sponsored Tim’s jump so far.

Today (as I write this blog post); the 27th of March, we have raised so far £1,677.00; which amounts to 34% of our target amount of £5,000.

We have 4 months left to raise the remaining 66% towards our target goal. That’s 122 days to raise £3,323!

This might seem like a large amount at first glance; but as the angel Gabriel encouraged Mary; “For nothing will be impossible with God.” – Luke 1:37.

We believe in the mission God has given us here at Llandudno Youth for Christ; to relevantly share the gospel with young people in Llandudno and beyond. To ‘make disciples of all nations‘; and help turn a generation back to God. Tim believes so much in seeing young people come to a saving knowledge of and relationship with Jesus; that he is willing to jump over 400ft from a crane; attached only by an elasticated cord; all to raise awareness and much needed funds for the mission work that we do.

If you believe in what we are doing; and believe that God is calling you to partner with us in seeing many young lives transformed by God’s love; then please consider sponsoring Tim via our ‘Give.net‘ webpage; or the ‘Tim’s Big Jump’ webpage.

You can also encourage friends and family to consider sponsoring Tim’s jump; and if we all work together in this; like Nehemiah and the people in Jerusalem; we will see the job done – Together!

Also please consider faithfully supporting us in prayer. We have a regular prayer meeting on the last Sunday evening of the month; the next one being on Sunday 30th April at 7pm at Ty Llywelyn Community Centre.

Thank you and be blessed!

Have your cake and eat it?

This Sunday the 26th of March is ‘Mothering Sunday‘, or more popularly known as ‘Mothers Day‘. On this day people around the world send cards and give gifts to their mothers, or people who have acted as mother figures in their lives. It is a great time of honouring our mothers and thanking God for them and their presence in our lives.

Originally however, ‘Mothering Sunday‘ was about people visiting the ‘mother church‘ of their region for a large joint celebration of worshipping God. This was common practice during the sixteenth century, where people would return to their ‘mother church‘, which would be either the main Parish church or Cathedral of the area or region. To do this, one was said to have gone ‘a-mothering‘. In later times, ‘Mothering Sunday‘ was the day upon which domestic servants were given a day off to visit their mother church, usually with their own mothers and other family members. Normally opportunities for families of those in domestic service, to spend time together in such a way would be impossible, due to the work demands of their position. So this day was a real blessing to them.

As part of the tradition of celebrating ‘Mothering Sunday‘ people often baked a ‘Simnel Cake‘ to eat on this day midway through Lent as part of the celebration of their time with their families. And for those of us who like myself, have special dietary needs, here is a recipe for a gluten free etc. ‘Simnel Cake‘. This was a treat to be had during the 40 day period of ‘fasting‘ that Lent is traditionally held to be. A Simnel Cake is a light fruit cake with two layers of marzipan, one in the middle and one on top, that is toasted, and eaten during the Easter period. Traditionally it also has 11 or 12 balls of marzipan on the top that represent the 12 disciples minus Judas, or the 12 disciples minus Judas with Jesus.

On this Mothering Sunday we will also be holding our regular Sunday Evening Bible Study – ‘Redfine‘ at 6pm to 8pm. We will also be holding our monthly prayer meeting for all of our supporters to come join us to pray for the work we do in Llandudno and beyond. If you want to come along and support the work that we do, then please join us on Sunday 26th March at 7pm in Ty Llywelyn Community Centre, Ffordd Yr orsedd, Llandudno, LL30 1LA. We hope you can make it.

Even if you can’t; let us celebrate Mothering Sunday this Sunday by thanking God for our mothers and spending time with our families. Let us also join together with our local church community and thank God for his goodness to us; and perhaps have a bit of cake too.

Be blessed!