Reverb Movie Night and other Springtime fun!

Eek! Yay! Whoop, whoop!

This Thursday the 23rd of March, we will be having our first ‘Movie Night‘ at Reverb Youth Space. We are soo excited about this. We even had a poll amongst all of the young people that come to our Thursday evening after-school drop-in youth club, to see what film they would like to see. The choice was between ‘Zootropolis‘, ‘Kung Fu Panda 3‘ & ‘The Angry Birds Movie‘. To find out which film won the poll, I guess you’ll just have to come down to Ty Llywelyn this Thursday and see for yourself (only under 18s allowed); 3:15pm to 5:15pm.

We are really looking forward to this Special event, we also have another couple of events coming up as we head into Easter. On Thursday 30th of March we will be holding a ‘4Square‘ Tournament. If you are not sure what that is, check out this. We regularly hold games of ‘4Square‘ as part of our after-school drop-in, but this will be on an epic scale!!!!!!

Then just before the Easter holidays, on Thursday the 6th April, we will be holding one of our infamous ‘Nerf Wars‘. Last Christmas we held a Nerf War between Santa and his elf helpers. It was a monumental amount of fun. This Spring we will be holding a Nerf War between the Disney Princesses and the Pixar Sidekicks, to see who will have a happily ever after! So be prepared for a lot of flying foam darts and fun.

All of these events are being held for high school age pupils; 11 to 18 years old at Ty Llywelyn Community Centre, Ffordd Yr Orsedd, Llandudno, LL30 1LA. So, if you are aged between 11 and 18, then why not come down to the ‘Reverb Youth Space‘ at 3:15pm in Ty Llywelyn on Thursdays during term time. Or if you know someone aged between 11 and 18 who you think might be interested, then please let them know.

Reverb redefineD

This Thursday 16th of March we will be launching a new start time for our popular after-school’s drop-in youth club. Instead of starting at 4pm as we have been since the beginning of September, we will now be starting at 3:15pm and running till 5:15pm.

This change has come about after consultation with the young people that already attend the event. We asked them what we could do to help encourage more young people to attend the Reverb Youth Space; especially their friends. We had a lot of feedback from this, and something that did crop up was the fact that our nearest secondary school to the club, Ysgol John Bright, finishes for the day at 3:10pm and so many pupils head home before coming to Reverb, with some of them opting to stay at home instead of coming back out again.

With the change of time to 3:15pm we hope to be able to make it easier for more young people, especially pupils at Ysgol John Bright, to come to Reverb.

We also had a request from some of the young people at our events, including our Sunday evening Bible Study, for a more in-depth Bible Study, without any games, snacks, music etc. Just a 1 hours slot of time dedicated to getting to grips with God’s word.

This will be taking place as a follow on from Reverb from 5:15-6:15pm for those who are interested in this.

This is all very encouraging for us.

It is great to hear back from the young people and get their input into what we are doing. Equally, it is great to hear that so many of them are wanting to dig even deeper into God’s word and grow in their relationship with Him.

As we hold our first Reverb at the new time of 3:15pm and also hold our first post-Reverb Bible Study, please will you partner with us in praying that God will move in and through everything to touch hearts and change lives.

Also, on a side note, as I am talking about praying with us, don’t forget that our next joint prayer meeting for the work of Llandudno Youth for Christ will be on Sunday 26th March at Ty Llywelyn Community Centre. So please save the date and we hope to see you there.

Be blessed!

Safety First!

This coming Monday 20th of March at Llandudno Youth for Christ we will be holding our next Monthly Meet. This is a great free training night for youth workers, church leaders and parents. We cover a wide variety of youth work related topics, such as the recent session we covered with Andy Hughes (Director of Urban Saints Wales) about how to connect young people with the church.

This was a great evening, with lots of thought provoking discussion and great resourcing for all that attended.

These are great evenings for all that come to them.

Not only do you get great training for free, but we also provide hot tea, herbal tea, coffee & hot chocolate; plus a plethora of snacks, fruit & biscuits. There is also free parking at the event’s venue: Ty Llywelyn Community Centre in Llandudno.

It is well worth coming along to these events, especially this months.

This month we will be holding our annual ‘Safeguarding & Child Protection Made Simple‘ training evening. The event will start at 7pm and be finished by 9pm. It is definitely something you should think about coming to if you work with young people in a youth club, church etc.

It is important to be kept up to date with safeguarding, especially as those who work with young people.

We know how importantly Jesus regarding looking after, honouring and keeping young people safe. “At that time the followers came to Jesus. They said, “Who is the greatest in the holy nation of heaven?” Jesus took a little child and put him among them. He said,“For sure, I tell you, unless you have a change of heart and become like a little child, you will not get into the holy nation of heaven. Whoever is without pride as this little child is the greatest in the holy nation of heaven. Whoever receives a little child because of Me receives Me. But whoever is the reason for one of these little children who believe in Me to fall into sin, it would be better for him to have a large rock put around his neck and to be thrown into the sea….Be sure you do not hate one of these little children. I tell you, they have angels who are always looking into the face of My Father in heaven.” – Matthew 18:1-10

So let us get trained up and resourced to look after and protect the young people we are working with and helping to grow in their faith. Come along to our next Monthly Meet on Monday 20th of March at 7pm; Ty Llywelyn Community Centre, Ffordd Yr Orsedd, Llandudno, LL30 1LA.

We hope to see you there!

God is…faithful

After our half-term break at Llandudno Youth for Christ, we are rearing to get back into all of our various events. On Thursday 2nd of March, one day after we celebrated St David’s Day, we will be holding our first Reverb Youth Space after school drop-in at 4pm. Then this coming Sunday night at 6pm we will be holding our Sunday evening Bible study; ‘Redefine‘ where we will be getting back into our ‘God is..‘ series.

This coming Sunday’s topic is one that we have all been looking forward to doing. ‘God is a promise keeping God‘.

We will be looking at how God is faithful and keeps His promises.

We will be looking at covenant, and specifically the new covenant that Jesus made for us. “While they were eating, Jesus took bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it and gave it to his disciples, saying, “Take and eat; this is my body.” Then he took a cup, and when he had given thanks, he gave it to them, saying,“Drink from it, all of you. This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins.” – Matthew 26:26-28

Jesus is God’s faithfulness revealed in all its fullness. God promised to deliver and save His people so many times in the past; and in Jesus we have our great deliverance revealed and fulfilled.

God has truly saved and delivered His people in and through Jesus.

As this great song by the worship group ‘Housefires‘ sings, all of God’s promises are ‘Yes and Amen‘. Yes and Amen in Jesus and in Him alone.

As we continue to work with young people in this area, sharing God’s love and faithfulness. Sharing the good news of Jesus, please continue to support us in prayer, with your time and with finances. Please pray that this coming Sunday the young people will really grasp the truth that God is faithful. God is trustworthy. In a world of shifting sands and shaking institutions, shaking ground. a world of turbulence and uncertainty, may they know the One who is the only solid rock. The only firm and steady ground. Jesus.

Be blessed!




16% and counting!

Yay! A massive thank you to everyone who has sponsored our centre director Tim Gough thus far on his journey to doing an insanely high bungee jump to raise funds for the work of Llandudno Youth for Christ!

We have raised as of 12pm on Monday 27th of February a total of £824.40!!!!! Wow!

That is all on the short space of 3 weeks since Tim set-up our webpage that people can make donations for the jump to.

3 weeks along and we already have reached 16% of our target amount!

Give yourselves a well earned pat on the back.

Thank you!

We have 5 months to go before Tim launches himself into the air, connected by a bungee cord to a platform. He will travel 400ft in just over 5 seconds and reach the staggering speed of 90 miles per hour!

Yes, on Friday 28th of July Tim will be taking the plunge!

So we have 150 days left to raise the remaining 84%….

Let’s get our friends and family involved in supporting this crazy, but worthwhile fundraising endeavour!

Interestingly when I was researching a little bit about the number 16, it turns out that in the ‘Periodic Table’ in group 16 are the ‘Chalcogen’ group of elements, also known as the ‘Oxygen family‘. In this group are polonium, tellurium, selenium, sulfur & oxygen. As we all know, Oxygen is essential for life, with human tissue containing 16% oxygen.

This amazing fundraising is an important part of the work we do at LLYFC, and just as we are grateful everyday for God’s gift of oxygen in our lungs, we are grateful to all of our amazing supporters who uphold us in prayer, with their time and with much needed finance; such as the £824.40 raised thus far for Tim’s Big Jump!

Small beginnings are not to be despised; and we will be in awe of what God does through Tim’s act of daring. Indeed, let’s aim high and believe God for an abundant above and beyond result to this sponsorship event!

After that, the Word of God came to me: “Zerubbabel started rebuilding this Temple and he will complete it. That will be your confirmation that God-of-the-Angel-Armies sent me to you. Does anyone dare despise this day of small beginnings? They’ll change their tune when they see Zerubbabel setting the last stone in place!” – Zechariah 4:8-10

 I pray that you will know the love of Christ. His love goes beyond anything we can understand. I pray that you will be filled with God Himself. God is able to do much more than we ask or think through His power working in us. May we see His shining-greatness in the church. May all people in all time honour Christ Jesus. Let it be so.” – Ephesians 3:19-21

Be blessed!

“There’s a wind a blowin’…”

As Storm Doris hits the UK with it’s full force of gales and lashing rain; I couldn’t but think of the line from the David Ruis worship song ‘Sweet Wind‘ – “There’s a wind a blowin’…” Though the wind from Storm Doris is not as pleasant as the ‘sweet wind’ of God’s presence that David Ruis describes; I think the Psalmist in Psalm 29 accurately describes the power and majesty of our God; a power that immeasurably dwarfs the gusts and blows of the storm we are currently going through.

Indeed, when feeling buffeted and blown about by life’s troubles and turmoils, there is no safer haven than in the arms of the One at whose voice, the very wind and sea is stilled. It is safe with ‘Jesus, lover of my soul‘ that we can feel secure, knowing that He is stronger than the wind and the rain of life’s circumstances that can beat against our souls.

Thinking about this reminds me of another song that God used to help me through a difficult period of my life; Third Day’s ‘When the rain comes.‘ God spoke to me so clearly by saying that He would be with me every step of the way.

It is so great that because of Jesus, we now can come to God whenever and wherever with whatever is on our hearts.  The way is now open, it is a new and living way, through Jesus. God is with us now, and prayer (talking to God) is such an awesome privilege.

Especially when going through life’s storms.

We are not alone.

He is with us in the storm.

This coming Sunday 26th February we will be having our monthly prayer meeting at Ty Llywelyn Community Centre, Ffordd Yr Orsedd, Llandudno, LL30 1LA; 7-8pm.

We hope you can come and join us to pray for the work that God is doing in the lives of young people in North Wales.

Let’s not be discouraged by life’s storms, but let us meet together and talk with the great storm stiller, Jesus.

Be blessed!


What a ‘Tee-Riffic’ idea!

No, I assure you, I have not mis-spelled the word ‘terrific‘. It is just one of my infamous ‘puns’. I’m linking the title of this post to the fact that here at Llandudno Youth for Christ, we have just launched a truly ‘Tee-Riffic‘ idea. We now have a great resource for people to be able to buy T-Shirts with thought provoking messages on them, or with the logos for some of the events we run, such as ‘Redefine‘ our Sunday evening Bible Study, and ‘Reverb‘ our Thursday evening after-school drop-in. You can check it out here.

Each T-Shirt is sourced from fairtrade factories and made lovingly by hand with only organic materials.

When you buy a T-Shirt, you will be helping to support the work that we do at Llandudno Youth for Christ, and also, when you wear the T-Shirt you will be a living walking billboard, letting people know about what we do too.

Like the Apostle Paul says when defending his ministry to the critics, the people who have benefitted from the work he did are the best credentials he has for what God has been doing through his life’s work: “Neither do we need letters of endorsement, either to you or from you. You yourselves are all the endorsement we need. Your very lives are a letter that anyone can read by just looking at you. Christ himself wrote it—not with ink, but with God’s living Spirit; not chiseled into stone, but carved into human lives—and we publish it.” – 2 Corinthians 3:1-3.

We hope you like this ‘Tee-Riffic‘ idea, and that you will support it by purchasing a T-Shirt and wearing it, or maybe get one as a gift for a friend.

Another ‘Tee-Riffic‘ idea that our centre director Tim Gough has had is to do a sponsored bungee jump from the highest bungee jumping off point in the UK – and he doesn’t like heights or flying!!! You can sponsor this ‘Tee-Riffic act of bravery here.

Finally, we have another ‘Tee-Riffic‘ resource for raising funds for the work we do at LLYFC. It is our Reverb Saturday Cafe @ St John’s Methodist Church on Mostyn Street in Llandudno. This is a great way for us to raise both funds and awareness of the work we do. It is also a great place for people in our community to meet up over a nice slice of yummy cake and a hot cup of tea or coffee. It is a really popular venue for people to meet up at. However, due to its popularity, we are needing some more volunteers to help us out with this.  So if you want to do something ‘Tee-Riffic‘ this year, perhaps you would consider joining the Reverb Saturday Cafe Team.

We think that would be a truly ‘Tee-Riffic‘ thing to do.

If you’ve gotten anything at all out of following Christ, if his love has made any difference in your life, if being in a community of the Spirit means anything to you, if you have a heart, if you care— then do me a favour: Agree with each other, love each other, be deep-spirited friends. Don’t push your way to the front; don’t sweet-talk your way to the top. Put yourself aside, and help others get ahead. Don’t be obsessed with getting your own advantage. Forget yourselves long enough to lend a helping hand.” – Philippians 2:1-4

Be Blessed!

Tim’s Big Jump (Update!)


Those are figures that our centre director at Llandudno Youth for Christ has given for his upcoming charity bungee jump.

Tim will be jumping 400ft towards the ground, travelling at 90mph and it will take just over 5 seconds for him to do this!


No, just passionate about what we are doing here at Llandudno Youth for Christ to see young lives impacted and changed by the good news of Jesus.

Like the amazing men and women mentioned in the book of Hebrews; Tim is fiercely believes in the God He serves, and wants to see more and more people come into relationship with Him. He is taking a massive step of faith with this. Check out the video on our sponsorship page: and if you too, like Tim want to see many more young people’s lives changed forever with God’s love, then please donate and support Tim’s Big Jump.

Take a leap of faith today!

Angels Unawares!?

Back in July of 2016; we posted the following blog post: to advertise our need for more volunteers at the Reverb @ St John’s Saturday Cafe that we run at St John’s Methodist Church on Mostyn Street in Llandudno.

The response was great and we had new volunteers join this team of fun loving people who really enjoy serving their community with great food & drink.

Once again we find ourselves in need of some more volunteers for this great venture that not only brings joy to so many people, but also provides much needed financial funds for the work that Llandudno Youth for Christ does in reaching into the community and the schools in our area with the good news; seeing lives impacted and changed for the better.

I chose the title ‘Angel unawares’ from the scripture in the book of Hebrews “Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.” – Hebrews 13:2 (KJV). This is due to its encouragement for us to be hospitable to others; as the Apostle Peter says; “Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling.” – 1 Peter 4:9 (NIV).

Hospitality and being hospitable to others is a great way to demonstrate God’s love to those around us; “Is this not the fast which I choose, to loosen the bonds of wickedness, to undo the bands of the yoke, and to let the oppressed go free and break every yoke? Is it not to divide your bread with the hungry and bring the homeless poor into the house; when you see the naked, to cover him;
and not to hide yourself from your own flesh? Then your light will break out like the dawn, and your recovery will speedily spring forth;
and your righteousness will go before you; the glory of the LORD will be your rear guard.” – Isaiah 58:6-8.

At the Reverb @ St John’s Cafe we create a safe place for people to meet; to chat, to relax, to unwind and to be served with grace and love.

We would love it, if you feel that you can step into the gap and be a much needed and highly valued member of the Saturday Cafe team, if you would drop us a line and let us know.

Come aboard and let’s serve our community through the Cafe; and who knows, you might even serve ‘angels unawares‘.

Be blessed!


Dear world. Have just booked the UK’s largest bungee jump (400ft) to raise money for I am also scared of heights. Details soon!” – Tim Gough

This was the Twitter post that Llandudno Youth for Christ’s centre director, Mr Tim Gough posted on 1st Feb 2017. He is going to be doing an ‘extreme’ feat, as mentioned in our previous blog post, to raise money for the work we do here at LLYFC.

This got me thinking about the whole aspect of taking a leap of faith, because that is what Tim will be doing on the….(details coming soon on the date and venue of Tim’s jump..we will keep you posted)…

When Tim does his bungee jump he will be ‘literally’ taking a leap of faith.

He will be trusting the bungee cord and harness that are attached to him; trusting that they have been properly put on and are in good working condition. Trusting that they will not break and fail and send him plummeting to the ground below. There is a lot of trust going on in Tim’s heart.

He will be demonstrating his faith when he takes the leap. As we posted on our twitter feed on Jan 16th, “We don’t believe something by merely saying we believe it… We believe something when we act as if it were true.” – Dallas Willard.

This is the crux of having faith in God. It’s not our words, but our actions that demonstrate to everyone around us where our faith lies. When we live out of a faith relationship with God, this will be visible to everyone around us.

We take steps of faith everyday. When we drive a car, or switch on a light, or sit in a chair; we are trusting the object we are using to work and do what we are expecting. Sometimes this is easy to do, because any negative consequences are small. However, if we are taking a flight in an aeroplane, or like Tim, doing a bungee jump, we need the object of our faith to not fail us.

Sometimes, though, we put more faith in something unreliable, rather than a faithful and reliable God. Alistair Begg says “How many times must we relearn the lesson that God is the only unfailing One.” I think we must relearn it because of our brokenness and the brokenness of the world around us.

Sometimes our hearts have been so hurt in the past, it takes time and an ongoing relationship with our Creator, for us to grow in faith and relearn that God is the only unfailing one.

This growth in faith comes as we spend time with God in prayer, in His word, and with the community of others who are growing in their relationship with Him.

The more we come to rely and trust in God, the more those around us will see that demonstrated in the way we live.

Just like Tim, we will be willing to take leaps of faith in response to our relationship and trust in God, and those acts of faith will have a much bigger impact on the world around us.

When Tim does take the plunge, will you be willing to take a leap of faith with us?

Will you be willing to sponsor Tim’s jump and support the work that LLYFC does in reaching young people with the good news of Jesus?

We pray that you will.