I will feed 5,000 mouths…

We’ve been working through the gospel of Mark over the past several weeks and last Sunday night we looked at the miracle of the feeding of the 5,000. This is the only miracle of Jesus’ that is recorded in all 4 gospels. Pretty amazing.

It’s a part of Jesus’ ministry that we can become too familiar with and the wow factor isn’t there for us because we are so used to it.

But last Sunday night at ‘Redefine‘ we looked at it with fresh eyes, not taking it for granted but being staggered by not only Jesus’ phenomenal miracle working power, but also His massive heart of compassion for everyone.

Jesus had saw the crowd of desperate needy people and He fed and nourished them; first spiritually as He taught them, and then physically with the bread and the fish. In fact it was an over abundant supply, for there were 12 baskets left over: signifying the 12 tribes of Israel and Jesus’ provision for the whole of Israel as their Messiah.

Just like the young people at last Sunday night’s Redefine, have a read through Mark 6:30-44 asking God to show you something new about the passage. Something that will make you go wow! and fall more in love with Him.

Also, please keep praying for us at Llandudno Youth for Christ. Pray for the young people that come to our events. Pray that they would come to have a relationship with Jesus and grow in their faith.

Have a great week and be blessed!


Get Connected!

Last week at Llandudno Youth for Christ’s after school drop-in: ‘Reverb‘ we held a fantastic Connect 4 competition, with everyone involved challenging each other to games of Connect 4. We were searching for the connect 4 champion.

It was loads of fun for everyone involved and we eventually found out who was the king of the board games!

Connect 4, also known as Captain’s Mistress, Four Up, Plot Four, Find Four, Four in a Row, Four in a Line, Drop Four, and Gravitrips (in Soviet Union) was first produced all the way back in February 1974 by the Milton Bradley Company that specialised in manufacturing board games, such as Buckaroo, Guess Who, Jenga & Kerplunk. It has been a popular strategy game since then, and everyone at Reverb loved challenging each other.

We love seeing everyone who comes to Reverb getting involved with the different events we hold; for them to get connected. But not just connected to the events, but each other; that Reverb becoems as safe space to meet up with friends and connect with each other. Also we want it to be a safe space for them to explore faith and have opportunity to hear the good news about Jesus.

This week at Reverb we are going to be being thankful, with it being the American Thanksgiving this week-end. We will also have a ‘Thank You’ board up for everyone to write things that they are thankful for.

Please do continue to support us in prayer. Please pray for the young people that come to the events we hold at Llandudno Youth for Christ. Pray that they will above all else get connected with God.

Thank you & be blessed!


Through it all my eyes are on You.

As I write this post I know that it is the 5th November and soon in Colwyn Bay, as there was 2 weeks ago in Llandudno, a big fireworks display.

Looking at Fireworks is like Stargazing; both make us lift up our heads and look skyward.

Why is that important, well this morning I woke up with part of a worship song going through my mind on repeat. Not in an annoying way, but in a reassuring and comforting way. The song was ‘It is well‘ by Kristene DiMarco, and the part of the song that I kept on singing both in my head and out loud throughout the day was ‘through it all, through it all, my eyes are on You. Through it all, through it all, it is well.

I felt that God was saying that whatever circumstances I go through, I need to keep my eyes on God, just like the Psalmist says “I lift up my eyes to the mountains – where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lordthe Maker of heaven and earth.” – Psalm 121:1-2. I need to keep looking towards God with expectation and hope. I need to lift my eyes upwards. No hanging the head in fear and shame, eyes downcast and furtive, but eyes gazing heavenward in awe and wonder, waiting for God to move.

So my encouragement to you is whatever you are going through to look upwards in faith and expectation to the God who loves you with an everlasting love. “For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.“- Romans 8:38-39.

Please also be praying for us at Llandudno Youth for Christ and joining with us in expectation for Him to move in the lives of the young people that come to our different events. Join with us in prayer for God to send more people to join us in seeing young people’s lives changed by Jesus. Join us in praying for God to financially provide for all that we are doing to reach out with the gospel in Llandudno and beyond.

Have a great first week of November and be blessed!


We are still working our way through the gospel of Mark at ‘Redefine‘ and last night we looked at the 2nd chapter of Mark.

If you’ve not read it before or recently, it is the retelling of Jesus healing a paralysed man. It’s quite a shocking and unorthodox account, because Jesus had gone back home and a large crowd had gathered at the house, so much so that 4 men who were bringing their friend to Jesus to be healed couldn’t get into the house by conventional means, but instead had to tear up the roof to lower their friend down to Jesus.

This act of faith caught Jesus’ attention. Well He could hardly miss it, what with all of the debris and roof fragments showering down as these men created a hold in the ceiling for their friend.

The passage puts it this way – “When Jesus saw their faith, he said to the paralysed man, ‘Son, your sins are forgiven.’” – Mark 2:5

Hang on a second, they wanted Jesus to heal him, not forgive His sins…but for Jesus forgiving the man of his sins was more important that physical healing.

This shocked the religious leaders that were present, after all only God could forgive sins. To them Jesus was blaspheming by making himself equal with God. They couldn’t see who Jesus really is. The Son of God & the Son of Man.

They were blinded to the truth.

I love what Jesus did next;…‘Why are you thinking these things? Which is easier: to say to this paralysed man, “Your sins are forgiven,” or to say, “Get up, take your mat and walk”? But I want you to know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins.’ So he said to the man, ‘I tell you, get up, take your mat and go home.’ He got up, took his mat and walked out in full view of them all. This amazed everyone and they praised God, saying, ‘We have never seen anything like this!’” – Mark 2:8-12.

When Jesus is around, things happen. He is God after all, and He loves us no matter what state we come to Him in.

The paralysed man didn’t have anything to bring to Jesus except himself and even then he needed the help of his friends. Jesus gave him far more than he could ever bring to God. Jesus gave him forgiveness & healing.

It’s the same for us today, all we bring to Jesus is ourselves, with all our sins and frailty and He forgives us and heals us. He doesn’t and hasn’t changed. His heart for us is just like His heart for the paralysed man.

So today come to Him just as you are, even if it looks messy and uncomfortable. He loves you and wants to see you forgiven and whole.

Another point in the gospel account is that the man needed his friends. We too need good friends who will carry us to Jesus in prayer with faith. So today bring a friend to God in prayer and see what he does with your faith on their behalf.

Be blessed!

Get Set…

When a runner gets set he hunkers down and prepares to run the race and run it to win. We looked at the first chapter of the gospel of Mark last Sunday night at Redefine, and what really jumped out at some of the young people was John the Baptist’s work of preparing the way for Jesus.

as it is written in Isaiah the prophet: ‘I will send my messenger ahead of you, who will prepare your way. A voice of one calling in the wilderness, “Prepare the way for the Lord, make straight paths for him.”’ – Mark 1:2-3

John wanted the people to get ready, to get set for the coming of the Messiah, Jesus.

Like a runner getting ready to race, there is a sense of anticipation. An eagerness and readiness for Jesus’ arrival. When He does turn up on the scene, He too is baptised by John in the river Jordan and Jesus and the people around Him hear God declare ‘You are my Son, whom I love; with you I am well pleased.’ At once after being baptised the Jordan, the Holy Spirit sends Jesus into the wilderness.

There is so much action in this passage. It’s just like a runner launching themselves from the starting blocks, ‘Bang!’ and away they go.

Just like John the Baptist Mark wants to get people ready for Jesus. For the readers of this gospel to clear a straight path inside their hearts for Jesus as one translation of the passage puts it.

Mark really wants people to focus on Jesus. Like a runner looking at the finish line with uncluttered focus.

Mark wants his readers to know without a doubt who Jesus is and why He is so important.

Maybe during the rest of October you might think about reading through the gospel of Mark, just like the young people in ‘Redefine’ are, and ask God to reveal more to you about Jesus and why He is so important.

Also please continue to pray for us and the ministry of Llandudno Youth for Christ. Pray that as we study Mark, the young people will get a clearer picture of Jesus and be wowed by how amazing He is.

Be blessed!

On Your Marks…

At Redefine last Sunday night we started our new study topic, looking at the gospel of Mark.

This is the beginning of the wonderful news about Jesus the Messiah, the Son of God. It starts with Isaiah the prophet, who wrote: “Listen! I am sending my messenger ahead of you and he will prepare your way! He is a thunderous voice of one who shouts in the wilderness: “Prepare your hearts for the coming of the Lord Yahweh, and clear a straight path inside your hearts for him!” – Mark 1:1-3.

Mark doesn’t miss a beat as he dives straight into the message of Jesus. He wants his readers to grasp the good news of Jesus’ coming. Unlike Matthew & Luke he doesn’t start with the miraculous birth of Jesus, or like John with his glorious declaration of the pre-existence of Jesus as a member of the Godhead and the Creator of everything. Mark goes straight to the beginning of Jesus’ ministry on earth, from his baptism in the river Jordan by his cousin John the Baptist.

Mark declaration of Jesus is like ‘Bam! Bam! Bam!’ as he moves from the Baptism to Jesus’ temptation by the devil in the wilderness, to His calling of the disciples, to his preaching ministry, to demonstrations of Jesus’ power over sickness and demons.

It’s a really fast paced account of Jesus’ ministry on earth, with no let up. Mark wants the message that Jesus is the long expected Messiah to really sink in. He also wants to get across the message that, as Jesus declares in Mark 1:15 – “At last the fulfillment of the age has come! It is time for the realm of God’s kingdom to be experienced in its fullness! Turn your lives back to God and put your trust in the hope-filled gospel!”

That is the gospel, or good news of Mark in a nutshell. Jesus is the culmination or fulfilment of God’s plan for mankind. Jesus is the way back to God and the one worthy of our trust.

As we read through and delve into Mark’s gospel, please be praying for us. Pray that God’s Word would impact the hearts and lives of the young people that come to Redefine and that Jesus would be clearly demonstrated as the coming King and Son of God.

Perhaps you might like to read through the gospel of Mark during the month of October and be encouraged by the life and ministry of Jesus too.

Be blessed!


Angry Birds! Rargh!

Last Sunday night at Redefine we had a brilliant, fun evening playing a live action version of the popular computer game/app ‘Angry Birds‘. The first game in this popular video game franchise was launched in 2009, and since then it has spawned multiple other versions (26 in total), including the popular ‘Angry Birds Star Wars’. There has also been a film, and another is set for release in 2019.

In the game of Angry Birds, the player launches the ‘angry bird‘ from a catapult at a fortress made of stones and wood, that hides assorted green piggies that have stolen the birds’ eggs. The birds have to knock all of the piggies to the ground to win.

In line with the style of game play, we had boxes, cones & platforms upon which we placed green balloons with piggy faces drawn on them. The boxes were arranged by a competing team, to try and make it as difficult as possible for the team that was to launch the birds, to knock the piggies to the ground. The ‘bird’ team then launched red, blue or yellow footballs at the structures, trying to know the piggies from their perches. Each piggy that hit the ground earned the ‘Angry Bird‘ team 1000 points, with a bonus of 5000 if you managed to eliminate all 8 of the piggies.

Everyone involved had a blast. It was so much fun, and everyone really got into the spirit of the game, working together in 3 different teams to see who would be crowned the ‘Angry Bird‘ champion.

Our director Mr Tim Gough, then gave an uplifting and encouraging talk about Jesus & Peter walking on the water. Saying that when Peter faltered in his faith, Jesus was right there to save Peter and pick him up. Jesus is the same for us, when we are sinking in doubt, mired in fear and worry. Jesus doesn’t leave us, he doesn’t let us drown. No he reaches his hand out and saves us. Jesus never changes.

His faithfulness to Peter extends to us too today.

So even when like the piggies fortress, we find our life in tatters and all broken apart, Jesus is right there with hand extended to us in love. Ready to pick us up and get us walking with Him again.

It’s great being able to host these fun events that speak into the lives of the young people.

Please do continue to support us financially, in prayer and in a voluntary capacity, when and where you can. Let’s continue to see young people’s lives transformed by Jesus.

Be blessed!

Phil Lemon & Onesie-mus…

We just finished a 3 week long study of the book of Philemon, or ‘Phil Lemon’ as we called him in our Bible study group. This was a great short book to study at our ‘Redefine’ Sunday evening Bible study meeting for young people.

The Bible Project does a nice piece on this short but amazingly tactfully written letter; check it out here.

It has been a great book to start off our Sunday evening Bibles study meeting with, after the summer break. A short book, but so full of richness and with a very clear picture of how the gospel of Jesus changes lives and sets people free.

Onesimus, or Onesie-mus as we jokingly said finds freedom and reconciliation to his master Philemon through Christ.

The young people have really enjoyed getting to grips with this book and learning more about a book of the Bible that isn’t very often read or looked at.

We really do love seeing how the Bible impacts the young people that come to the events we hold.

Would you please continue to pray for the work we do at Llandudno Youth for Christ in seeing young people’s lives changed by Jesus. Pray that God would richly bless this ministry with everything we need to see many more young lives changed.

Before I go, I have another announcement; our director Mr Tim Gough has written a brilliant book. It was officially launched last Saturday and you can check it out here. Please also be praying that the book will be used by God to encourage many youth workers and pastors as they in turn reach out to the young people in their areas.

Have a great week and be blessed.

Rebooted Launch!


This coming Saturday 22nd September 2018 our very own director here at Llandudno Youth for Christ, Mr Tim Gough will be holding the launch of his much awaited book “Rebooted – Reclaiming Youth Ministry for the Long Haul: A Biblical Framework.”

The book launch will be held in Gloddaeth Church in Llandudno and will start at 5pm.

There will also be a talk by visiting guest speaker Mr Andy Hughes (Impact Team Leader for Urban Saints).

Plus as with any Llandudno Youth for Christ event there will be tea, coffee, cakes & snacks for all attendees.

We look forward to seeing you there.

Be Blessed!

We’re Back!

Yes, after 6 weeks’ break over the Summer, we are back & up and running Redefine! Yay!

We’re really excited by this new term and all that we have planned for Redefine.

Looking forward to some crazy games, fun fellowship and getting stuck into God’s word.

So this Sunday 9th September, please be praying for us. Praying that God will be very present in everything that we do and that the young people who attend will be transformed by His love.

We will be looking at the book of Philemon to start the term off. It’s one of the shorter books in the New Testament and a good way to get everyone involved in Reading the Bible together.

Again please be praying for us and also pray for all the young people that will attend Redefine this Sunday.

Be blessed!