Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow!

A very brave lady, Mrs Baxter is deciding to “baldly go” where no-supporter of Llandudno Youth for Christ has gone before!

On Friday 14th August, Mrs Hayley Baxter raised money for the work of LLYFC by having a sponsored head shave. It was a great evening, with many of our young people supporting Hayley in her brave endeavour. Her husband was also there to give her morale support.

As part of the conditions of her raising the money, she said that she would keep her head shaven for a whole month after the event.

Thank you Hayley, for your bravery and support of the work of LLYFC.

If you have any great ideas like Hayley did, for raising both fund for and awareness of the work of LLYFC, then please don’t hesitate to contact us, or if you want to get involved with the work we do, again, please drop us a line, or check out our website.

Tim’s Mini Update – 2015

This year has been a blast!

God has shown up continuall in power and grace to do amazing things.

We have definitely reached our next step in the journey now and can’t wait to see what God opens as we go for it. The big ‘lightbulb’ this year was seeing how God has continually grown and blessed our work in school, so we are taking that on in a big way. Ty Llywelyn is only a 5 minute walk down the road from Ysgol John Bright too! Thank you for all your support. Please keep standing with us and we push into God and push forward in His plans. This is going to be a big and daunting year and we’ll need all hands on deck!

Please help us with fundraising!

Over the past 12 months we have had so many people support us financially, so first off a massive ‘THANK YOU!’

As we move into the year ahead and beyond and seek to increase our impact on the lives of young people around us, we will still need ongoing financial support for the work that we do.

One of the best ways you can support us is with a regular monthly donation (if you feel God is leading you to do this, please see the Support Form included).

Other ways you can help us raise funds is by being a representative in your church encouraging others to give to this ministry.

You could maybe hold a cake sale, a car wash (like some of our young people did), a sponsored event, a car boot/bring & buy sale,… the possibilities are many and varied.

In all this great, creative fundraising, remember to have fun and enjoy it, for

God loves a cheerful giver. 2 Cor 9:6-8

Interview with Redefiner, Kelly!

What was the first LLYFC event you came to?

I came to Reverb after school coming up to 3 years ago.

How did you hear about it?

All of my friends from school had been going to Reverb. So I thought I’d go and see what it was like.

How did it affect you?

Well, I already knew some of the Christians that went to Reverb and talking to them about even everyday things made me realise that I wanted to change things about myself. I started to change almost without noticing and after about a year I didn’t fit in with my old friends anymore. But I had friends that were more like me. I think (and hope others agree!) I have become a better person.

What do you like about the work of LLYFC?

I like that there are different types of events run by LLYFC. There’s Reverb café which is really relaxed and open. I never felt intimidated to be in a room full of Christians, even when I wasn’t a Christian myself. Redefine is amazing, it brings the youth of different churches in the area together. It makes the existing Christians feel like they’re not alone. I love everyone in Redefine, it really is my second family.

How has the ministry of LLYFC helped you in your relationship with God?

Having grown up not sure about God, going to YFC events really helped me inquire into faith in an open way. I’m very grateful for all of the volunteers for answering all of my questions. This among other things led me to Christ.

What would you say to anyone reading this?

I would say, never be afraid to inquire about faith. It’s a big deal and you can’t progress on your own. That’s for both Christians and non-Christians. Thanks!



At The Carwash! Raising money for the £10 Challenge!

Last October a group of our young people got together to hold a car wash on the grass verge outside Llandudno Baptist Church on the West Shore.

A lot of fun was had and funds were raised for the work of Llandudno Youth For Christ totaling £70.00.

It’s great to see the young people investing time and effort to support the ministry that supports and encourages them in their Christian walk.

If you’d like to help support the work of LLYFC, then please see the Fundraising ideas on P4 of the newsletter, or you can fill in the support form. Thank you.

Meet Our New Administrator, Todd!

Name: Todd Warden-Owen.

Age: Let’s just say, he remembers VHS Tapes being the new thing in entertainment.

Fave Colour: Either Pink, Blue or Purple.

Fave Food: Chicken Tikka Madras (He likes his food hot and spicy).

Fave Film: Braveheart.

Fave Superhero: Spider-Man.

Hobbies: Collecting Special/First Edition Superhero Comics and telling really rubbish jokes.

Our new centre administrator is a self confessed superhero geek, who is available to answer any queries or requests you have about the work of Llandudno YFC (not superheroes) every Monday & Friday between 9am & 5pm. Contact him on 07517 429 763. Or email him at :

Tim’s Update – Summer Term 2014

It’s been a cracking term for Llandudno YFC!

We’ve stacked up some good memories, welcomed new volunteers, made many messes and settled in well with our new trustee board.

We’ve just had our best term working in Ysgol John Bright. We’ve run 2 regular, well-attended lunchtime clubs and 3 RE days, taught 15 lessons, had teachers and classes using Reverb and shared assemblies with Roughshod Theatre Company.

In no small way linked to this we’ve been privileged to see young people making significant steps in their faith. Many have grown as Christ-followers and some have come into a new relationship with Him.

I’m struck by the responsibilities God has laid on this mission, however to sustain what we do and to go further we really need more people to partner with.

Please, please consider whether you could be part of this mission to see the good news of Jesus Christ taken relevantly to every young person in Llandudno and beyond!

Interview with Redefiner & Helper, Joe

The Mighty Joe Young! (Joseph Richards actually)

Interview with Joe about his work as the new Bible Study leader at St David’s College

Growing the next generation of leaders

Tim: What is the most interesting thing about Joe?

Joe: Being involved in music. I’ve been a brass band player for 10 years now, and I’ve also been into musical theatre groups in the past, most of them at school. And now I want to get more involved with working with Youth For Christ.

Tim: Cool. One of the key groups you’ve been involved with for years is ‘Redefine’ Do you want to tell people a bit about that?

Joe: Redefine is a Bible Study for young people. It happens on Sunday evenings (at Reverb). I’ve been in it since you started it. It’s grown gradually and now it’s got to the point where we’ve had to separate into two groups. We can really see how God has worked and moved. It’s been amazing really, and I think it’s helped me along the way. It’s really been a big blessing to be here and keep with the group for so long.

Tim: Fantastic. You also have started helping at Lightbites?

Joe: Yeah. Lightbites is at St. David’s College. It’s an interesting group of about 10 – 14 people. Mostly I’m there as an assistant. They have food there and sometimes I’ll help dish that up, or help with Bible Studies. Two weeks ago I led a session there, where we talked about ‘taming the tongue’, which is all about the language that comes out of our mouths. It’s the first time I’ve done anything like that before. I think it was nice for them to see someone else, rather than yourself (Tim). You know.

Tim: It’s nice for me mate. So one final question. If you could say anything to all of the churches here, what would you tell them?

Joe: I’d like to see more young people involved in the church. I’ve had quite a privilege of, since I was young, being involved in the worship team and it’s been a real blessing. I wish more young people were doing it, and more adults were stepping up to the plate to train them. So, I would encourage the churches to get involved with working with the youth.

Tim: Thank you Joe.

Interview with LLYFC Chairman, Paul Hadley

Tim: Hello Paul, as Chair of Llandudno YFC, what do you do?

Paul: As the chair of the trustee committee, I feel that my main role is to hold people to time and try to move tasks forward; to help move the vision forward: taking the gospel relevantly to young people in North Wales, in particular, Llandudno.

Tim: Why did you get involved with Youth For Christ in particular.

Paul: Because I heard about what the vision was, and what the idea of YFC is and I thought, this is exactly what we should be doing, as churches, as Christians; supporting this work.

Tim: You have some previous experience working with young people?

Paul: Yeah, I’ve done a lot of youth work. In my professional role, I’m a trained, qualified teacher; though I no-longer do that. I do a lot of work in the special needs area of education. That’s the place where I have a real heart to work in.

Tim: When you’re not being a ‘shepherd’ and looking after me and the other trustees, what sort of things do you enjoy doing?

Paul: Mostly spending time with my family, playing with my kids. We have just recently come back form a trip to France, going climbing. It’s one of the things we enjoy doing as a family: going out and enjoying the mountains, enjoying God’s creation.

Tim: What are the key areas where people can get involved and help with the work at Llandudno YFC?

Paul: There are an awful lot of opportunities where people can help here at YFC. I think one of the biggest areas is prayer. We constantly need prayer, to ensure we are staying in line with God’s will. To ensure that the vision of YFC keeps moving forward. We need prayer for the right people to come forward. Prayer particularly for people who have face to face contact with the youth. Prayer for the young people that come here; for protection, for safety, that the Holy Spirit would open their hearts to know more about Jesus. We also need financial support.

Tim: Bottom line, what for you would be success; a few years into your role as a trustee? What would be a success story?

Paul: That 1 soul would be saved. Yes, I think for me, I think all this is worth it for 1. The more people we can reach, the more joy, the more success we will see; but we do lift this all up to God. We ask Him for His support. It’s His work, we’re just being servants of it, custodians of this great youth work.

Interview With The Gappy

An old interview with Chloe P – when she was on her gap here. She loved it so much, that three years later and she’s still here! For nostalgia – here’s her original interview:


Screen Shot 2015-12-18 at 08.25.52I interviewed Chloe, a local student who has taken on a Gap Year and is spending a lot of time these days leading groups and shadowing Tim Gough around. She says, ‘I really wanted to be involved with YFC because it had done a lot for me growing up and it’s pretty cool – the job is basically just to muck around with people who are more fun than you! Epic times.’

Q: What is one of your favourite memories of being a young person in YFC?
A: ‘We invented the game table tennis without the table – I can’t remember what it was called but you lost if the ball hit the table – and it got kinda violent and crazy!’

Q: What are you going to be involved in this year?
A: ‘Wednesday Reverbs and LiteBite are the two main things I’m properly involved with, and then any away days that Redefine has, I’ll be there. I go to schools and church visits with Tim. I got called Tim’s assistant once, and at John Bright they call me ‘The Donut-Fascist-Dictator’ because I had one responsibility: to look after the donuts, and I took it a bit far!’ *laughing*

Q: Any favourite memories so far from the first couple of weeks?
A: ‘Getting my face stamped with the Reverb stamp!… and being mummified in loo roll in my second Reverb.’ *nods*

Q: The biggest challenges you think you’ll have to overcome this year?
A: ‘Figuring out how to use the dishwasher!’ (She gets more serious and thinks.) ‘And being more relatable for the young people at Reverb – being able to be an approachable person to them.’

Q: What do you want to do after YFC?
A: ‘I’ve got a place at Dundee Uni to do English and Film Studies that I’m quite excited about, but I’d like to stay involved with YFC somehow – I’m not sure how but I’ll make it work!’

Q: How can we pray for you?
A: ‘Pray to give me the energy to keep up with the other youth leaders – the kids I’m fine with!’

All in all, she says, ‘I’m really glad that I took the year out to do this. It’s much more than I actually thought I’d be involved with but it’s pretty epic, and really cool, and I’m meeting loads of cool people (the kids are teaching me to be cool).’ *grins*